240 发简信
  • wonder news

    2019.7.7 Sangjune Kim, Seung-Hwan Kwon, et al.Transneuronal Propagation ...

  • MRI

    6.26 Guidelines for reporting an fMRI study Talairach space: a potent so...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    Stimulus and response, the mice remember small things and remember the p...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    Impulsivity :begin compulsivity:end different circue seed mapping depend...

  • PCR

    PCR技术完全讲座 PCR技术概论 聚合酶链反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR)是80年代中期发展起来的体外核酸扩...

    0.4 2842 0 14
  • WEEK1

    How to ask for what you want — and get it every time Day1 词组: 1.run into...

  • 复盘

    总结一下涉及到的知识背景好了 1.high-street Most brands recognise that their survival d...

  • Ivankanomics and the Art of Being Cheap

    Day1 1.fuss? 忙乱、大惊小怪 2.bangle手镯 3.aide助手 4.aspirational[,æspə'reʃənl] ad...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    The living was easy

    DAY1 1.have a pretty good idea of the Earth formed: it condensed浓缩, arou...