1)翻译 《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》继续领跑票房。 “Avengers: Endgame” has outdone its competito...
1)翻译 这个项目是为这些和学术研究相比,对运动更感兴趣的学生而设计。 This program is designed for student...
1)翻译 注重健康的中国父母更愿意买进口婴儿奶粉。 Health-conscious parents in China are more inc...
1)翻译 早知道我应该对她更多一点耐心。 With hindsight, I should have been a bit more patie...
1)翻译 天津虽然紧邻北京,但它的经济好像并未因此而获益。 Despite its proximity to Beijing, the capi...
1)翻译 一二线城市之间的贫富差距正在不断加大。 There is a growing/widening gulf between first...
1)翻译 当地居民在地震中展示出了无比的坚强。 Local residents showed remarkable resilience ...
1)翻译 这个国家的经济一度落后,不过现在已经开始迎头赶上了。 Once a laggard, the economy of this coun...
1)翻译 很多中国互联网公司开始扩展海外业务,寻求新的增长点。 Many Chinese Internet companies have beg...