(potential) risk factors 危险因素(影响因素常用这个)+for 反义词是 protective factors moun...
1.This is he. 准是他 2.Don't get me wrong. 别误会我 3.Move,plz. 请让一下(但是这个句子不是那么...
1.give sb his walking ticket 叫。。。卷铺盖走人(fire sb) That's the ticket! 好主意,正...
1.I am seeing someone. 和。。。约会(date sb) I don't mean to come up to you. 我...
1.He is an affluent 2nd generation 他是个富二代。 The rapidly expanding affluen...
1.You never know.谁也说不准。 2.Look out! 小心! 3.You don't say! 是吗! 4.Let's tal...
1.Shameless! 不要脸 =She has no shame! (What a shame!多可惜,多遗憾~) 2.Don't play...
1.roll the clip 播放视频剪辑 roll the video 播放视频 1.have a flair for the creati...
1.You got a minute? 你有时间吗? 2.Kids are pitching in. pitch in 做贡献;投入 3.com...