Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Solutions 1 Food Service : WiFi/GPRS...
eMonitor 1. 套装包含硬件 2. WiFi 设置 2, 浏览器打开; 3, 填入你能上网的SSI...
20181016 更新:我们现在把这些开源设备做成了即插即用即联网的“产品”了,如果你对他们感兴趣,可以移步TAOBAOweidian感谢大家对...
20181016 更新:我们现在把这些开源设备做成了即插即用即联网的“产品”了,如果你对他们感兴趣,可以移步TAOBAOweidian感谢大家对...
GPRS V2.0 颗粒物智能检测仪使用更加简单,具体使用步骤: 1 上电、扫描二维码 用USB线给设备上电, 几秒钟后,屏幕上会出现一个二维码...
How to access the platform Access to the platform requires the following...
Features The power meter can communicate with the meter reader by carrie...
1. Introduction WiFi Power Monitor is developed by DeviceBit to measure ...