240 发简信
  • Fast thinking

    economist.com | 2016/07/16 How to starve a cancer without starving the p...

  • Fast thinking

    economist.com | 2016/07/16 How to starve a cancer without starving the p...

  • impress

    im·press /ɪmˈprɛs; ɪmˈpres/ 1. [VT] [not in progressive 不用进行式] to make s...

  • NY_20160503

    Why Digital Money Hasn’t Killed Cash The New Yorker: Business|2016-4-28 ...

  • TE_20160503

    The over-promised land by From the print edition: Business The Economist...

  • 20160314_Guardian

    pull off 释义:If you pull off something very difficult, you succeed in ach...

  • 20160309_Guardian

    NSA 释义:National Security Agency 国家安全局 exclusive 释义:an important or ...

  • 20160308_Guardian

    nature forces/ forces of nature 释义:自然力 原句: powerful natural forces such ...