240 发简信
  • Day7

    After analysing the mindmap sample, I found that the mindmaps are formed...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    Day4 Day5 Day6 In the recording, June emphasizes again the importance of...

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    Day1: 1. cloud computing 2. physical products 3. Voice-activated 4. on t...

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    1.昔日的书商占了美国在线购物每产生新的一美元的一半之多。 2.自2015年初,它的股价上涨了173%,与前两年涨速相比快了七倍多(比世界五百强...

  • Day1

    The Amazon, an extraordinary company, takes a leading position in cloud ...

  • Day1

    Amazon, an extraordinary company, takes a leading position in cloud comp...

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    Five reading myths 1.myth 2.exert effort in 3.plug the gaps 4.high degre...

  • Day1热身任务

    Five reading myths 1.myth 2.plug the gaps 3. Main ideas of each paragrag...

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