1 Two that you know of. 你知道的是两个。 2 Come on, don’t be such a prude. 行了,别那么拘守礼仪。 3 I’m no...
L4-U3-P1-1 Listening :Time Distribution Time Distribution Look at these two pie graphs....
in the distance与at a distance的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、含义不同 1.in the distance 释义:在远处。 2.a...
L3-U2-P1-1 Listening :States of Matter States of Matter Matter is made ofatomsandmolecu...
L3-U1-P2-1 Listening :Time Zones Time Zones Our planet, the Earth, is the thirdplanetfr...
快速链接(详):懂你英语笔记目录 12.72019.02.04 16:56*字数 1898阅读 19076评论 30喜欢 255赞赏 1 以下是Zeda_BAE整理的懂你学习...