240 发简信
  • Marketing

    What is Marketing Marketing is managing profitable customer relationship...

  • C9 Auditing Computer-Based IS

    Risks conducting an audit Inherent risk, control risk, detection risk Au...

  • C8 Above Security

    Processing Integrity Data entry controls Field / sign / limit / range / ...

  • C7 Information Security

    Systems reliability ← (Confidentiality + Privacy + Processing integrity ...

  • C6 Control & CIS

    Introduction Threat: any potential adverse occurrence or unwanted event,...

  • C5 Computer Fraud & Abuse

    AIS Threats Natural & political disasters Software errors & equipment ma...

  • C4 Relational Databases

    Database: a set of interrelated, centrally coordinated files DBMS (Datab...

  • C2 Business Processes

    Business Processes Transaction: an agreement between 2 entities to excha...

  • C1: Overview

    Systems, Data, & Information System: a set of 2 or more interrelated com...