写作苦旅,乐在其中 ——写于拜读《On Writing Well》全书后 参加读书会的第一个月,今天终于在大家的陪伴和指导下读完了被誉为英文写作...
Expressions My father, a businessman with no literary pretensions, wrote...
Expressions Here the first paragraph gives readers an arresting notion t...
Expressions The tyranny of the final product. something in your life tha...
Expressions ...the political column of Walter Lippmann, America’s most v...
Expressions ...he has littered the path with obstacles: cheap slang, sho...
Expressions ...and a pitiful moan will go around the room. go around 1.消...
Expressions OneDoonesbury comic strip by Garry Trudeau is worth a thousa...
Expression They will trot out the hard-won words of their college educat...