写作苦旅,乐在其中 ——写于拜读《On Writing Well》全书后 参加读书会的第一个月,今天终于在大家的陪伴和指导下读完了被誉为英文写作圣经的On Writing W...
写作苦旅,乐在其中 ——写于拜读《On Writing Well》全书后 参加读书会的第一个月,今天终于在大家的陪伴和指导下读完了被誉为英文写作圣经的On Writing W...
Expressions My father, a businessman with no literary pretensions, wrote two family his...
Expressions Here the first paragraph gives readers an arresting notion to think about.....
Expressions The tyranny of the final product. something in your life that limits your f...
Expressions ...the political column of Walter Lippmann, America’s most venerated pundit...
Expressions ...he has littered the path with obstacles: cheap slang, shoddy sentences, ...
看过《甄嬛传》的大概都不会忘记这样一场戏。 甄嬛夜审浣碧,告诉浣碧自己就是她的亲姐姐,并念及多年姐妹之情,对此前发生的事情不予追究。甄嬛答应浣碧,一定为其求得所想一切,浣碧知...
Expressions ...and a pitiful moan will go around the room. go around 1.消息或笑话流传,传播; 2.造访...
Expressions OneDoonesbury comic strip by Garry Trudeau is worth a thousand words of mor...
Expression They will trot out the hard-won words of their college education trot out [口...
I. Words & Expressions What I am saying is that I have no patience with the snobbery th...
Expressions They have been reared on so many clichés that they assume they are the requ...
Expressions Most people work for institutions: businesses, banks... and other entities....
Expressions Science, demystified, is just another nonfiction subject. demystify 使〔似乎困难或...
Expressions 1. sap: 逐渐削弱(破坏)〔尤指⼒力力量量或决⼼心〕,与dilute,whittle away同义 e.g. sap sb's strength...