240 发简信
  • Identify the last character

    Qestion input: an integer array with 1 or 0 for each index output: last ...

  • Longest substring with k distinct characters

    Longest substring with k distinct characters Algorithm traverse the inpu...

  • Edit Distance

    72. Edit Distance Algorithm Create a 2D array lookup[i][j]. It's defined...

  • Longest Common Subsequence

    LintCode 77. Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm Two input string a wit...

  • Fibonacci Numbers

    Question Find the Nth number in fibonacci numbers Algorithm fib(n) = fib...

  • Longest Consecutive Sequence

    Find Longest Continuous Increasing Subarray Algorithm Create a variable ...

  • Google - 3

    Question Bomb Game,给一个m*n的二维数组,其中有: -1 墙, 1 怪兽, 0 空白。 你有一个炸弹,可以扔在除墙之外的任意...

  • 236. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree

    Definition of LCA The lowest common ancestor is defined between two node...

  • Google - 2

    Question 输入是一个array of numbers,一个size, 输出这个size的一个window (start, end) 所包...