Qestion input: an integer array with 1 or 0 for each index output: last character is do...

Qestion input: an integer array with 1 or 0 for each index output: last character is do...
Longest substring with k distinct characters Algorithm traverse the input string from f...
72. Edit Distance Algorithm Create a 2D array lookup[i][j]. It's defined as Minimum edi...
LintCode 77. Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm Two input string a with length length...
Question Find the Nth number in fibonacci numbers Algorithm fib(n) = fib(n - 1) + fib(n...
Find Longest Continuous Increasing Subarray Algorithm Create a variable holding current...
Question Bomb Game,给一个m*n的二维数组,其中有: -1 墙, 1 怪兽, 0 空白。 你有一个炸弹,可以扔在除墙之外的任意位置,最多可以炸死几个怪兽。炸...
Definition of LCA The lowest common ancestor is defined between two nodes v and w as th...
Question 输入是一个array of numbers,一个size, 输出这个size的一个window (start, end) 所包含数字的和,最大 Algori...
Question Given an array of integers and a list of intervals with no over overlap betwee...
Algorithm sort intervals according to start time in increasing order traverse sorted in...
if语句 不需要将正在检查的表达式放到括号内。 所有if语句的主体都要放在大括号内。 判断optional类型中是否有值,并赋值给另一个变量 for循环 当拥有一个项目集合时...
Collection Types Dictionary Array Array An array stores multiple values with same type ...