I need each of you to tell every young woman you know —your sister, your...
Among those entrepreneurs who experience post traumatic growth,they now ...
When you talk to strangers, you're making beautiful interruptions into t...
Time is highly elastic.We cannot make more time,but time will stretch to...
TED's secret to great public speaking 首先,这位TED的curator告诉我们演讲传递的是你的idea。那...
别只看【没有】,向你的困境借东西 沒有不是限制,沒有是一份禮物;如果你甚麼都沒有,那就去創造。把焦點放在創造,不要把焦點放在沒有。 Q: 想要和...
The danger of the single story Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Many stories mat...