To do list: 1.Article of Wifi (20000+ words)【still need 10000+】【8000 lef...
To do list: 1.Article of Wifi (20000+ words) 【Sent】 2.Article of Labour ...
基本功练习: 【传球】没有传到队友舒服的位置(例如胸前),偏下,且大概有两到三次重复犯错; 【擦板】步伐没踩对,接球略慢;要尝试单手; 【上篮】...
Driving lessons of theory Still unfinished.(WIFI)
missed the plan. HR Training Watch the basketball game Daoxiang Supper P...
To do list: 1.Article of Wifi (20000+ words)【still need 10000+】【8000 lef...
To do list: 1.Article of Wifi (20000+ words)【half done】 2.Article of Lab...