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  • Chapter 2-11

    Chapter 2-11 He had just compunction enough for having done nothing for ...

  • Chapter 2-14、15

    Nothing escaped her minute observation and general curiosity; she saw ev...

  • Chapter 8-9

    abominable 令人发指的 plague one's heart out 烦扰;纠缠;折磨 good-for-nothing 无用之人 b...

  • Chapter 7

    patronize 以居高临下的态度自居 tremor 震颤,颤抖 forlorn 被遗弃的,孤苦伶仃的 over head and tears...

  • Chapter 19

    The old well-established grievance of duty against will, parent against ...

  • Chapter 2-4/5/6

    flutter 焦虑不安,同agitation alacrity 欣然同意,十分乐意 He replied with his accustoma...

  • Chapter 2-3

    fastidious 挑剔的,过于讲究的 condescend 显示优越感;屈尊 condescend to appear 用来形容导师绝了 h...

  • Chapter 2-2

    Accustomary Without any reluctance 十分愿意 And the confidential discourse o...

  • Chapter 2-1

    Veracity 准确 Indignation 愤慨,义愤 Dupe 欺骗,诈骗 Feign 假装,装作 Her affection was a...