大家好,我是A姐,可能都还不认识我,不过我好多年前就开始讲脱口秀了,只不过当年脱口秀这项艺术不火,当然大家到现在还都不认识我,就都知道它为啥不火啦; 那时候写脱口秀稿子个,总...
卷子太难 我出来- 难吗? 这次有啥难的吗?每回考都是 有那么男人,我超爱他的,朝夕相处好几年,突然跟我闹分局 2015年 儿子上幼儿园啦,同学们都自己睡了 女人这辈子挺可悲...
Business is tough now, in the economic downturn time. Employees of global companies are...
If you please, draw me a sheep! A:If you please, draw me a sheep. A:Draw me a sheep! Z:...
Hi Dear Fellow toastmasters, my beloved friends. I am Angela Tong(请帮我鼓掌) I was an entre...
Hi Dear Fellow toastmasters I am Angela Tong(请帮我鼓掌) I was an entrepreneur who got defea...
Hi Dear Fellow toastmasters I am Angela Tong I got reason to fight for division directo...
18montths ago, I was a entrepreneur who got defeated by Covid long lockdown. My dream w...
Hi Guys, we wake up early for learning. That’s so cool!! So, let’s really start prepari...
愿你偶有小疾,偶犯小错,偶交损友,偶遇小坎小坷 遂必勤学苦练,常思进取,择善而从,无惧挑战 方能遇风险而不慌,遇良机常有备,势不顺常有助,事顺遂可坦然。
Could you help me with this customer, Angela? Nooooooo, problem! I spined out towards t...