240 发简信
  • 今宵多珍重

    Take Care Tonight 今宵多珍重 南风吻脸轻轻 South wind greets me tenderly 飘过来花香浓 It brings fragrance...

  • 笑纳

    笑纳 Please take it 花僮 挑灯看遍长街的繁华 Wander with lantern in hand in the crowded street 白胡子老者 ...

  • 破茧

    破茧 Break through 张韶涵 如果在噩梦中睁眼 Open my eyes right in the nightmare so true 直面着残忍的世界 Look...

  • 醉清风

    醉清风 Entranced In The Breeze 弦子 月色正朦胧 Moonlight's getting hazy and dim 与清风把酒相送 We raise ...

  • 一生有你

    一生有你 With you throughout my life 水木年华 因为梦见你离开 In my dream you go away 我从哭泣中醒来 With tear...

  • A sentence a day 6

    永远不要把他人对你的好当成理所当然 Never take it for granted what the others sincerely offer

  • A sentence a day 5

    欲望与心累成正比 The more desires you have,the more exhausted you become

  • A sentence a day 4

    做事留有余裕 Spare yourself enough time and room when you are dealing with certain task

  • A sentence a day 3

    享受天天向上的生活状态 Enjoy the life status where you could make an effort for a little bit impro...

  • 嚣张

    嚣张 Care not a thing en 太多的 太重的 太残忍的话 You've said a lot of the words Too ruthless and he...

  • A sentence a day 2

    平凡是一种生命的常态,坦然地面对平凡,在平凡中不断地努力,这才是实实在在的快乐 Being ordinary is a normal part of life. Manage...

  • A sentence a day 1

    心态越是平静,越是能百毒不侵 The more internally peaceful you are, the less likely that you are impac...

  • 像鱼

    像鱼 Like a fish 王腻浪 这是一首简单的歌 This is a song so simple 没有什么独特 It's nothing so special 试着代...

  • 只要有你

    只要有你 As long as you are here with me 那英 谁能告诉我 有没有这样的笔 Who could tell me if There is a p...

  • 断点

    断点 Breaking point 张敬轩 静静地陪你走了好远好远 Silently I accompany you through the way To somewhere...

  • 默 Silence 那英 忍不住化身一条固执的鱼 I couldn't help it but become a fish 逆着洋流独自游到底 Stubbornly I sw...

  • 透明

    透明 Transparent 邓紫棋 爱着你 也爱着我 In love with you and in love with me 这是一种折磨 这是一种折磨 This is ...
