(oceanside) _Lainey Lou prince charming sing tome 迷人的王子对我唱歌 all that I'm missing 一切正是我梦...

(oceanside) _Lainey Lou prince charming sing tome 迷人的王子对我唱歌 all that I'm missing 一切正是我梦...
As the misty drizzle drifting in the March of the South,you are sitting in front of the...
“暮冬时烤雪 迟夏写长信 早春不过一棵树”很喜欢的一首歌 陈鸿宇:早春的树 希望大家喜欢!么么哒(撒桃心) Take my arms as clothes hangers,s...
今天送给大家一首神曲!希望大家喜欢! What I see, extinguished.What extinguished, remembered.I’m standing ...
(希望你也喜欢我!) I’m missing you in the Second Ring Road,It feels like that you are standing ...
(今天累到趴下了,还是要坚持更新!!!虽然没几个人看(😭)) I can understand your love for me, which is just buried ...
I still remember the old days when we were young, all being honest and sincere. People ...
翻译杂感最近我在翻译一篇24页的英文论文,不是工作需要,纯粹是自找。 从2015年开始,我以极慢的速度研究计算机的发展史,从远古时期的手指计数和结绳记事算起,把这些内容整理成《01改...
(每天一首歌,希望总有一首能唱到你心上。) 翻得不好,欢迎各位拍砖! A plane flew over the sky, in the city of sky, as we...
(不知道今天单曲循环了多少遍!!!) Mom, they abandoned me, abandoned me just like what the singing have...
(悄悄告诉你:有喜欢的歌也可以推荐哦!😍) Much wants to saybut have yet say it out ‘cause I want to write i...
我翻你猜:猜中送一朵小花哦!写在前面的话:从今天开始要立下flag了!每天翻译一首诗(歌),欢迎大家多多砸砖😄 下面👇进入正题: After we bid farewell to the past I ...