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    搞笑词典 | clapping

    clapping鼓掌Repeatedly high-fiving yourself for someone else's accomplishm...

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    搞笑词典 | psychopaths

    psychopaths精神病People who wear jeans in their houses during quarantine.隔离...

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    搞笑词典 | text-killer

    text-killer聊天杀手Phrases and words such as "lol yeah" and "k" that are gua...

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    搞笑词典 | passport

    passport护照The most useless thing in 2020.2020年最没用的东西!(都知道2020全球疫情爆发,很少有人...

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    搞笑词典 | photos

    photos照片We used to use them to capture authentic moments, and now we cre...

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    搞笑词典 | swimming pool

    swimming pool游泳池Unisex public toilet.无性别公共厕所(这是一个有味道的翻译,尽显歪果仁的高级黑) 01poo...

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    搞笑词典 | Reality Challenged

    reality challenged现实挑战Being in a state in which one is utterly and compl...

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    搞笑词典 | I kinda like you

    I kinda like you有点喜欢你I'm madly in love with you and absolutely adore you...