240 发简信
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Life Will Take You Where You Belong

    Once having reached a certain age, nothing comes quite as strong as the ...

    0.1 26 0 1
  • 炽热

    “感谢我们一起度过了一段热情的、充满生气的、真挚的时光。” 刷到朋友圈这一条的一刹那,被击中了…… 谈及生活追求,或形而上至生命的意义,可以听到...

    0.5 74 0 2
  • How much is your self-worth worth?

    Going through life, one wouldn't always be going upward in every single ...

    0.1 75 0 1
  • Bystander

    在你曾经挥洒过热情、泪水和汗水的战场上 他们努力按照你的要求,去表演 有一种第三世界的即视感 会让你回想起 自己曾经为之奉献的一切 也会让你感动...

    0.1 79 0 1
  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    不必祝她花开 不必教会她爱 她不必勇敢 不必慷慨 不必乖 祝她沸腾好了 祝她有留白 祝她把世俗的目光一裁再裁 祝她在人生海海 尽兴 开怀

  • Can’t Live Without…

    For as long as I’ve lived over the past thirty years or so, nobody ever ...

    2.5 86 0 3
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Life’s Not A Competition

    Life’s indeed not a competition. Yet it truly is, when you are not in th...

    0.1 74 0 1
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Too Good To Be True

    I’ve never really felt truly vulnerable and willingly let my guards down...

  • It's ok

    Always feel obliged to write something downwhen B day is around the corn...

    0.1 90 0 1
I am not someone you know. I am everyone you know.