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  • 英文论文写作单词积累

    Morphological Alteration Insufficiently Investigate Aim to Undergo Analysis At various ...

  • Fundanmentals of Brain Network Analysis

    Chapter 1 — An Introduction to Brain Network It is often said that the brain is the mos...

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    1. 边( link,edge) ,脑区间的功能连接 2. 节点(vertex 或 node) ,脑区 3. 节点度(degree),度ki,直接连接在一个节点的边的个数,节...

  • 英文论文写作结构积累

    (一) CorticalSurface Area Rather Than Cortical Thickness Potentially DifferentiatesRadia...

  • 脑网络专业单词积累

    1. 核磁共振(NMR),利用原子核在磁场中能量变化,获得原子的信息。 2. magnetoguric 旋磁比,大小和符号决定于核的内部结构 3.(DTI)Diffusi...

  • 120

    2. Human Brain Right fusiform gyrus Right precentral gyrus Right inferior parietal lobu...

  • Diffusion Tensor Imaging

    1. Diffusion Weighed Imaging (1)What is diffusion, the diffusion is the movement of H2O...