A. 问题导读 1. Why saying no is important? Have you had a hard time of turni...
A. 问题导读 ️What does “you are always choosing”? Can you define it and give...
A. 问题导读 1. Use three sentences to describe Onoda’s story. Onoda's life i...
A.阅读小感 昨天喝了点酒,凌晨听着Gai的《空城计》和《天干物燥》读完第三章You are not special.突然发现酒精和音乐挺能激发...
1.Q&A (1)Happiness consists of dissatisfaction and unease, which are inh...
A.问题导读 Eric的导读问题: 1.What are the subtleties of not giving a fuck? There ...