240 发简信
  • 今天又被豆豆的词汇量雷到了 2019-03-05

    我:Did you see Mary today? 豆豆:(看着我不说话) 我:Did you see Mary today? 豆豆:妈妈,是结婚么? 我:......半天才...

  • 冠词a的魔咒-坎坷英语启蒙路2019-03-05

    宝贝们中了冠词的魔咒: 大宝说It is apple. 三宝说I’m a Cara. 看看,这都是我这个英语半吊子妈妈不小心施的咒,罪过啊~ 得想对策解咒啊!!! 回想了下,...

  • My favourite animal 2019-01-29

    My favourite animal Rabbit is my favourite animal. I want a rabbit, but my mother don't...

  • A school day 2019-01-24

    I am in Yingcai Kindergarten. I go to school from Monday to Friday. School starts at 8 ...

  • My hobby 2019-01-22

    My hobby is singing. I can sing some English nursery songs. My favorite English song is...

  • My family 2019-01-21

    My family I am Laura. I'm 4 years old. I live with my grandparents, parents and twin...

  • I am a happy girl 2019-01-17

    I am a happy girl My name is Laura. I am 4 years old. I like listening to princes...

  • 自然拼读干货分享(三)20190116

    我之前夸下海口:2018年10月15号-2019年2月15号,4个月让豆豆完成自然拼读的初级学习,可以自己拼简单的单词,自主阅读自然拼读入门绘本。 到现在自然拼读也学了几个月...

  • 《富兰克林自传》观后感

    1.富兰克林生平 2.什么样的特质让他得以取得这些成就? 3.演讲才能的历练 1.富兰克林生平 先介绍下本杰明。富兰克林生平,众所周知的名人,头衔太多,美国政治家,物理学家,...