240 发简信
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    最近很忙,有点累。 有很多重要的事情要做,有一个重要的考试要考,有一个重要的申请要准备,有一本书要交稿,有一些重要的计划要安排.....恰巧这个时候,又生病了,嗓子疼得厉害,...

  • 今天又看了一遍你之前写的文,因为你很久没更了,所以只能重温旧文。


  • 最近在写新书,所以一直没有更新。新书预计1月上市,喜欢的可以关注下。书名《只有回忆里的夏才有蝉鸣》

  • 恋爱小记

    [cp]三年前,我在萍乡,你在赣州。 我复读,你读大学 我们分手了 我每天听着《往事随风》《需要人陪》《雨一直下》《夜空中最亮的星》去感伤往事,我经常一个人站在四楼的天台,看...

  • 无标题文章


  • 失恋日常


  • 120


  • The following story is written in English so my mom, an active user here at Jianshu, wouldn't know this still hurts me.

    The darkest time of my life (so far) happened 10 years ago, when my first baby died 11 days after he was born.

    The entire pregnancy was quite uneventful until one day, I found myself bleeding heavily and had to be admitted to the hospital. My water had already broken two weeks before, but that being my first pregnancy, I thought it was just incontinence which was not uncommon at 6 1/2 months. Being born over 2 months early was never good news, as the survival rate was quite low. But optimistic as I was, I still believed that the baby would turn out okay if I prayed hard and stayed positive.

    Since the baby was small, the birthing process was very smooth. Once he came out, he was immediately taken away from me to neonatal pediatricians and nurses for special care. I didn't even get to hear the baby cry.

    The following 11 days were hope, distress, and fear all rolled into one. To make the story short, on 3/30/2008, my first baby died. It was the only time I saw my husband cry.

  • 你要默默的实现自己曾经说出的承诺,才有说话的底气,而不是夸夸其谈。

  • 不加炫耀的努力 变成自己喜欢的样子:heart:

  • 120

    这篇文,很早之前就想写了的。 我到底要用怎样的口吻来讲述自己,很淡定抑或是很悲伤? 01. 当我做出了的很多所谓的努力,都被现实打压得瞬间颓废,我默默的去了自己的朋友圈很认真...

  • 真的会有很绝望的时候,哭一下会让自己好过,但这也会成为日后自己的耻辱😇

  • 今天的长沙下了暴雨,我在高四,我在追梦,我在画室画画无暇顾及雨有多大,只是听说淋湿了好几个寝室。