4. Structure: If a person obeys the law(A), then he will stay out of trouble with the p...
4. Structure: If a person obeys the law(A), then he will stay out of trouble with the p...
Premise: If faculty members are tenured, then they are very politically conservative. P...
1.Premise 1: The truth about human knowledge is known through skepticism. Premise 2: Sk...
2. Sean is making an argument. Premise: The criminal mind cannot be rehabilitated. Conc...
Texas was hit by extreme winter in mid-February and left millions without power, which ...
Japan’s economy is bouncing back in 2021 after the pandemic. Actually, Japan’s GDP has ...
Biden administration is hoped to bring new substantive diversity to federal bench becau...
Residents of Walden Eco Village, a tiny-house community in New Hampshire was ordered ev...
建议一: 充分享受假期的生活条件和网络资源,看几场有意义的电影。 推荐:适合练听力的四十部美剧、经典励志电影排行榜…… 建议二: 充分利用假期时间补足自己在大学一年生活中觉得...
❤ 这个浮躁的世界,愿你与书为友 自2016年读大学开始,两年匆匆而过,大三已至,时光浸染下,生活被揉碎在无趣中,但最让我深切感怀的,还是书中那些...
在高中时代,为了激发学子奋发向上,大部分的老师都说过类似的一些话:“同学们努力学呀,上了大学就轻松了,想干什么就干什么。” 听了这番言语后,大家内心都无比期待着高中老师和青春...
1、 凡事提前五到十分钟 这个习惯我从高中开始就养成了,当时班主任要求上课前五分钟就要在班级坐着,准备上课用的书本或者预习课程,让自己提前进入状态。 当时会觉得很烦,但现在觉...
一张图纵览全文 学习,应该是分情况而言的,没有放之四海皆准的学习法则,不同的情况所用的方法也不同。我根据学习目的的不同,将学习分为三种情况。一,应试学习。二,技能学习。三,方...