0_1 前言 有时间再详细写introduction。先把我分析数据的流程记录下来,后续持续更新。 0_2 用到的软件或脚本 测序数据质控:fastp[https://git...
0_1 前言 有时间再详细写introduction。先把我分析数据的流程记录下来,后续持续更新。 0_2 用到的软件或脚本 测序数据质控:fastp[https://git...
这里会报错:Error: Encountered internal HISAT2 exception (#1)和(ERR): hisat2-align exited with...
hello, I've installed the chlorop1.1, following the readme file. But when testing with the file in the test fold, it came to the error message below:
./chlorop test/test1.fsa open: can't stat file apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.3180/infile.how lately reading sequential formatted external IO open: can't stat file apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.3180/infile.how lately reading sequential formatted external IO open: can't stat file apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.3180/infile.how lately reading sequential formatted external IO open: can't stat file apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.3180/infile.how lately reading sequential formatted external IO open: can't stat file apparent state: unit 3 named tmp/res.3180/infile.how lately reading sequential formatted external IO
chlorop v1.1 prediction results ###########################
Number of query sequences: 1
Name Length Score cTP CS- cTP- score length /usr/bin/paste: tmp/res.3180/name_file.3180: No such file or directory
I've set "chmod 1777 tmp" Do anyone know what is happening? Thank you.
#文件的读取 filest <- list.files(pattern = "*.txt")#读取TXT结尾的文件 filelent <- length(filest)#看读...
如何批量提取基因启动子的序列并做启动子原件的可视化展示 完成批量提取基因启动子的序列并做启动子原件的可视化展示的这个目标,我们需要通过逐步完成以下的几个过程来...