Written by TromThe marks in the snowAre all my dreams in the fall.The weather is gettin...
Written by TromThe marks in the snowAre all my dreams in the fall.The weather is gettin...
Chapter 8 introduces the story of the little prince and the rose. At the beginning the ...
人生进入新纪元 在别人贪婪时恐惧
在本周的读书会,我推荐了匈牙利作家,马洛伊·山多尔的代表作《伪装成爱情的独白》,而我们这期读书会所讨论的主题就是:你有过真爱体验吗?你相信人类可以通过爱情摆脱孤独吗? 昨晚的...
最近有位33岁的女网红,火爆了ins,她叫达娜·默瑟(Danae Mercer)。 不同于其她女网红,秀出精致的照片,泳池豪华大餐,达娜的照片有些扎眼,看她的ins就像看大型...
At the dawn of 2020, the world woke up to a new challenge. A battle to protect the well...