240 发简信
  • 记调研第一天

    依旧没有改正我喜欢整数的这个习惯,所以选择在8月1日这样一个代表着新的一个月开始的日子出门调研。 为了让调研更顺利,我提前从网上查了几个知名度较...

  • 2019-07-18

    Listening:7.0(30-32个); Reading:7.5(33-34个) 阅读: 1/单词:5 list/day(反复回顾+后期真题...

  • 2019-07-08 IELTS 19 进口产品

    In some countries, it is now possible for people to buy products made in...

  • 假刺猬?


  • 我的吉他链接


  • morming

    recently,I often wake up early in the morning. I have meant to get up ea...

  • 2019-06-01 IELTS 18 广告 and children

    Manu children are exposed to a large number of advertisements in the mod...

  • 2019-05-30 IELTS 17 政府免学费

    Receiving a university education is important to many people, because th...

  • 2019-05-24我的1718

    我的1718 2017毕业即待业,对于一直按部就班的我来说,似乎征兆着我的无能与懦弱,无法立足于社会的现实。所以其实我是一直在前行也一直在怀疑,...