快乐工作,幸福生活 It's seven P.M. Jesse is very tired, so she's taking a break at her desk. Whe...
快乐工作,幸福生活 It's seven P.M. Jesse is very tired, so she's taking a break at her desk. Whe...
报告写不完怎么办? It's already six PM. Jesse feels she can't finish her report on time. Tracy s...
即时消息沟通礼仪 Instant messaging on platforms like slack or wechat work can be very convenien...
你必须知道的办公用品 Hi, Jessie, welcome aboard. Here is your ID card. Please make sure your name...
小白如何谈工资? Jesse had an interview for a marketing assistant position. Her friend Felix as...
不能浪费的提问时间 Interview is coming to an end. Now it's time for her to ask the interviewer q...
目标一致的不二人选 Jesse's interview continues. Now she needs to show why she's a good fit for t...
Remember every question in an interview is a chance to show you are the best person for...
❓ 面试过程中如何巧妙的回答优缺点问题 📢 巧用话术,扬长避短 Jesse is in a job interview she has already introduced ...
面试开局 JC has applied for a position as a marketing assistant. Today she will attend our ...
❓ 面试之前需要做哪些准备 准备简历,演练问题,服装,多渠道了解公司 Jessie is going to have an interview tomorrow. To m...
如何甄别好坏公司 As a new graduate, Jesse has many questions when looking for a job. So she ask...
我觉得你很合适这个工作 While Jesse is browsing through jobs in a cafe, she got a call from her fri...
👑 这一类课程的学习形式都是通过dialogue展开,读者们在语境场景下理解并且背诵句子,一开始会有点难度,但是根据语境理解+逻辑背诵,输入和输出效率会大大提高! 筛选招聘信...
1⃣️ 提高题目阅读速度:略读+掌握题干大意+多做题记录题干生词 2⃣️ 不碰词,听不懂就往下走 3⃣️ 优先精听答案句— 听逻辑句 trainer 运动鞋 visual 视...
以下词汇均源自本人及所带学生的雅思阅读错题笔记,是我们认为做题过程中会直接影响到理解答案句及题目的词汇,这样的词汇是核心中的核心,突破7分必备词汇。 plight 困境 an...
❓ 面试的时候如何恰当得让面试官感受到自己的领导力? 📢 通过介绍团队,在细节中展示自己的情商和能力 如何介绍团队和团队职责 I lead a marketing team ...
第一章搞定面试 第一节《他们如何介绍自己?》https://www.jianshu.com/p/077539effca8[https://www.jianshu.com/p/...
❓ 在公司内市场营销岗位从低到高分别是如何升序的呢? 📢 从高到低分别是:amarketing manager 经理 (3年以上工龄)——a Marketing specia...