December has been a rocky road for me. I often find myself floating on t...
I can't believe a whole week has passed since the day I let out the last...
The roller coaster of my mood has gone downhill drastically again today....
So how shall I describe the crave for nicotine? This desire will be haun...
Remembering my outrageous eating action last night, I went straight on A...
I woke up feeling rather normal, as if cigarette is not a known existenc...
He's right, I have now literally no energy left to convey my very own pe...
我坐在下午六点钟伦敦美好的阳光里,翻到老赵睡前发的朋友圈。 “对的人晚一点再遇见吧。这样等我们都足够成熟了,就再也不会莫名其妙的分开了。” 虽然...
黑暗中无数双惨白的手臂在向她挥舞着。 过来呀,过来呀。 阴郁但轻柔的声音一波一波的钻入她的心房,像深秋的风拂过枯草,冷冽、潮湿,却混杂着若隐若现...