Like a stray cat being adopted You now have a home where you are protected Unlike a str...
Like a stray cat being adopted You now have a home where you are protected Unlike a str...
I long to see you My beloved child Maybe you do not know how much I long to see you May...
With all the joy you have given me I just want to say that apart from you All sorts of ...
I hope to start this new project of writing Not sure how it will go But may 2021 be a f...
I'm grateful and happy today I have finished some of online seminary studies which HE u...
It feels like you are far away But He sees you I pray that you can celebrate daily With...
When will you meet my family? Will you love them unconditionally? Even I can't... Howev...
WWJD DAY 2521 it is, on Dec 12th, 2020 I wanna share with you as I walk each step in he...
WWJD day 2518 Do you great a miracle it is that one can experience some true l...
I still remember vividly that you chose to come all the way back to dongguan and spent ...
So much I wanted to share But it's getting a little bit too late It was a pretty full d...
THE harvest is ready, isn't it? Did you outreach to anyone today? Is it the best timing...
I did something pretty amazing today It's like putting a period to 2020 I see Father's ...
能够踏上一个旅途 更在乎的是与你一起旅行的人 受到两位姐妹的邀请 心里真的非常的感动 在这个熟悉却似乎陌生的城市里 有那么几个人总让人暖心 也相信这个旅途可以看见不一样的事 ...
你有否想过为何截止日期叫deadline 又被人机智地翻译成死线 似乎不到死亡接近的那一刻 行动力的缺乏始终挥之不去 不必为自己的懒惰为理由 也不必为未达成的自律而丧气 现在...
不知道有多少人还惦记着你 遇见老姐妹总有暖心的感觉 多年不见 喜乐依然 而那颗单纯的心 依然相伴 老人家似乎都比较善解人意 惦记着年轻人的样子真可爱 虽然我们都忘记了彼此的名...
What is friendship? Who is my friend? Those seem like easy questions but not really so....