在很多国家,猫被视为 “神”,特别是在埃及。 莎士比亚麦克白剧中的巫婆也是靠猫帮助算命。 Even the three witches in Macbeth needed a...

在很多国家,猫被视为 “神”,特别是在埃及。 莎士比亚麦克白剧中的巫婆也是靠猫帮助算命。 Even the three witches in Macbeth needed a...
Third wheel, 第三个车轮? No.自行车、摩托车、马车、手推车一般都是两个车轮。再加一个车轮就多余了,没什么用。 汽车、卡车一般都是4个车轮。再加一个车轮就多余了...
The Summer Palace (颐和园) was designed by the well-known Chinese architect (建筑设计师) Lei Fa...
Forgetable Pagoda. 北京市西城区天宁寺始建于公元471年,是中国最古老的塔之一。传说当时佛舍利的一部分放在了陕西的法门寺,一部分放在了北京的天宁寺。Some...
Today is Valentine's Day, I sincerely wish all of you be in love throughout your life. ...
牛年是year of ox. 金牛座是Taurus. Ox的复数是oxen.指castrated(阉割)后的牛,奶牛是cow,公牛是bull,小牛是calf,家养的牛是cat...
一部好著作需要多次再版才能满足读者的需要。当时脑海里装满了在美国的new ideas, insights, and learning experiences,写了这部书,无数...
East west home is the best. 走东走西,最美还是颐和园。山羊绵羊,好吃还数张家口坝上草原田丰牛羊肉土鸡肉。喝茅台,品奔富,老百姓实惠就喝歌涅红酒,品...
USA Today reported that a snowy owl seen in Central Park in New York after 130 years. 据...
Dream place. 梦想之地。Looks like a iceberg model under which full of mystery. 看上去想冰山模型,冰下有无...
Such kind of weather is suitable for staying on the balcony and enjoy good chicken ,lam...
Kim Kardashian enjoys millions of fans due to her body shape. If you would like to be l...