《STATISTICS 101》 by Sebastian Thrun 1. Teaser 2. Linear 3. Scatter Plots 4. Bar charts ...
《STATISTICS 101》 by Sebastian Thrun 1. Teaser 2. Linear 3. Scatter Plots 4. Bar charts ...
计算机科学导论 Unit 1: How to get started: your first program Our biggest goal tho is to learn...
1. capturing value 2. lies people tell I do think this, the extreme binary view of the ...
So welcome to CS183B. I am the President of Y Combinator. Nine years ago, I was a Stanf...
IDEAS Sam提到了伟大的Startups 的几个要素: 1. Great Idea (创见) 2. Great Product (产品) 3. Great Team (...
Fortune1000,73-83年十年间,有350家公司换了位置,到了2003-2013年的十年,这个数字到了718家,这个速度还在增加。 1)我们对创新的理解是有偏差的,...
演讲者 | 梁宁(辰德资本合伙创始人,本文根据梁宁在混沌研习社的课程整理。) 梁宁说,“产品经理最核心的能力是创造力,而创造力是“自我”的延伸。创造力强的人都极端以自我为中心...
执行Deep Work 在如今的经济社会已经变得越发的有价值,同时也越发稀缺。因此,谁能快速开发出这种技能并运用到工作和生活中去,将极大程度提升自己。
8 Ways Billionaires & Elite Athletes Perform At The Highest LevelBy Benjamin Hardy Average is over. The middle-ground has all but dissolved, leaving you...