Vocabulary: Phrase: give ... a boost 增加....;fight off 击退;over the course of 在...的过程中;fu...
Vocabulary: Phrase: give ... a boost 增加....;fight off 击退;over the course of 在...的过程中;fu...
Vocabulary: demonstration 示范,游行; Phrase: partner with 合作;makes sense for 对....有意义; Arti...
Vocabulary: stage (v)组织活动;parenting (n)养育儿女; Phrase: Is short for 是...的缩写 Article as...
Vocabulary: rejoice=you are very pleased and show it in your behavior; rollout 首次展示;cha...
Vocabulary: wizard 魔法师; diligence 勤奋 ;abusive 粗鲁 暴力的; Phrase: on a train 在火车; pop into突...
Vocabulary: Phrase: there is convincing evidence that..... 有确凿的证据证明.....;mental wellbei...
打算学习 Python 来做数据分析的你,是不是在开始时就遇到各种麻烦呢? 到底该装 Python2 呢还是 Python3 ?为什么安装 Python 时总是出错?怎么安装...
Vocabulary: stroke=add coal or wood into fire to keep it burning; cashflow 资金周转;inciden...
Vocabulary: Phrase: relieve loneliness 排解孤独;economic growth and social and cultural pro...
Vocabulary: assemble = assemble something means to collect it together, or fit the diff...
Vocabulary: assemble = assemble something means to collect it together, or fit the diff...
Vocabulary: raccoon 浣熊; Phrase: do wonder for.. 为...创造奇迹; figure out 弄清楚;one more... 还有...
Vocabulary: myopia 近视;overstatement 夸张;oversight 监督; Phrase: crackdown on 严厉打击;the more...
Vocabulary: masculinity 阳刚之气;conduct 进行,举办,行为;creamy 乳白色; Phrase: take full responsibil...
Vocabulary: testament:证据; daunting 令人畏惧的; mantra 口头禅; Everest 珠穆朗玛峰;pit 坑;tepid:微热;mant...
Vocabulary: simultaneously 同时; rainfall 降雨量; uncanny 奇特; pledge=make a serious decis...