incremental borrowing rate The stated rate of a lease used for comparati...
lower fv pv mlp bpo granted residual value
title transfer bargin price operation -useful life 75% 90% _short
我以为我会在31岁,结束单身 ! 我以为他会是我第一个男人,也是最后一个男人! 我以为 我可以做个 成功男人背后的女人! 我以为 我可以和陆家嘴...
濁す にごす nigosu 【他动・一类】 (1)弄脏nòngzāng,弄浊(浑)。(にごらす。) 水を濁す。/把水弄浑。 (2)含糊hánhu...
reading is important writing is not as important kanji numbers are not u...
chairperson proposal view sum up motion put it to a vote consensus on.co...