矫情不能当饭吃,比你强大的人都在拼命,你有什么理由不努力。Hypocrisy can not be eaten as a meal, people who are stron...
矫情不能当饭吃,比你强大的人都在拼命,你有什么理由不努力。Hypocrisy can not be eaten as a meal, people who are stron...
就当是月亮失了约,我要对你适可而止啦。As if the moon has broken its appointment, I will stop it for you. 别...
深夜仰望星空的人一定很孤独吧。People who look up at the stars late at night must be very lonely. 后来发现 ...
花自向阳开 人终往前走。The flowers blossom to the sun and people move on at last. 偶尔向生活请个假,今天要做快乐的...
我们都很好,只是时间不凑巧。We're all fine, but it's just bad timing. 很难受吧,明明曾经那么好突然就陌生了。It's hard, i...
亲手删了自己喜欢的人,到后来又拼命的打探她的消息。I deleted my favorite person by myself, and then I tried my be...
生活可以随心所欲,但不能随波逐流。Life can do whatever you want, but you can't go with the flow. 无人做你的光芒...
小时候披着床单玩得像个疯子,长大后抱着被子哭得像个傻子。When I was a child, I played like a madman with sheets, and...
人生从来不是乐土,各有各的苦。Life is never a paradise, each has its own bitterness. 迟来的阳光,救不了枯萎的向日葵。T...
下次晚点遇见吧 你足够成熟 我足够温柔 说不定我们会合适呢Let's meet later. You're mature enough. I'm gentle enough....
花不会因为你的疏离,来年不再盛开;人却会因为你的错过,转身为陌路。Flowers will not be in full bloom in the coming year b...
偶尔不开心的时候是快乐正在加载。Occasionally when you are unhappy, happiness is being loaded. 生活点滴温柔可爱,...
好起来的从来不是生活是你自己。It's never life that gets better. It's you. 发光不是太阳的专利,你也可以。Glowing is no...
把普通的日子过得浪漫一些日子还长,多的是快乐美好。Make ordinary days romantic for a long time, many of them are ...
没人帮煮清晨的粥 那就自己倒满深夜的酒给我一点时间,让我缓缓,再好好生活If there is no one to help cook the porridge in the...
你的世界人潮拥挤看不到我也合情合理Your world is crowded and it's reasonable not to see me. 念念不忘必有回响,那是小说...
我遇见你,如鹿归林如船靠岸。唯愿风雨吉 处处皆是你两个相契的灵魂终会在下一个路口重逢。I met you like a deer to a forest, like a bo...
我们都很擅长口是心非,又都很希望对方能有所察觉。We are all good at duplicity, and we all want each other to be ...
想与你分享目之所及的所有美好 。I want to share with you all the good things I can see. 你在我心里的位置 连我自己都羡...
“有一句话很有意思,你错过的,别人才会得到,正如你得到的,恰恰也是别人错过的.”"there is an interesting saying that others wil...