《悲伤逆流成河》,保利剧院 一,写在前面的话 我的心太大了,里面装很多很多东西。 落地窗外,分割着远处深深灰霾的天,晚上灯火通明,总有不真切的绚丽。 总在想:这个城市里有多少...
I think you can learn English well. As a self-taught English learner, I can share with you my English learning ways. I have watched more than 200 English movies and then I tried to talk with international friends wherever I can see them. One day, I suddenly found that I could do this easily.
But the way is not the most important, the motivation is. I have to learn English because I know English is my way of making a living, therefore if I don't master it, I will starve and die. Therefore, I don't have a choice but to master it.
I shared my way of learning English, I hope you can master this international language as well.
Sum it up.
First, ask yourself, why you must master English.
Second, just imitate the English movies you watch. That is it.
Hope you all the best!
文 | 蓝小歌 《高效能人士的七个习惯》开篇的时候,有一句话是这么说的:我对生命的一种最深刻的感悟就是:要完成最渴望的目标,战胜最艰巨的挑战,你必须发掘并应用一些原则或自然法...
一向以冷静和理性观影的我,昨晚却被阿米尔.汗的《神秘巨星》弄湿了衣襟,哭红了眼,出了电影院不禁思考: 阿米尔.汗的电影为何如此受欢迎? 他是如何让观众一会笑一会哭的? 除了故...