240 发简信
  • 120
    Sydney 2018

    This year AgResearch booked travel for me to go to ServiceNow annual conference in Sydn...

  • 120
    Day 5 - Port Arthur

    Last night's sleep was terrible. The wind was so strong and it felt like the car was go...

  • 120
    2017 Christmas holiday - Day 1

    When I was a little girl, I wanted to travel to lots of countries. When I was a teenage...

  • 人生最重要的概念——复利

    1 题记 最近看了李笑来的书,关注了他的公众号,网上找了他的演讲来看,学到了很多有意思的观点,或者说,很多观点,都不是他的原创,但是经过他的演绎,会特别有说服力。 如同他在书...

  • 我眼中的产品经理
