阅读的精髓本质并非简单地对原文的中文翻译,而是看到句子与句子的结构、逻辑关系和联系、文章的主旨与细节 需要注意的是文章中主题和细节的重复的部分在脑海里形成同一个概念 ‘del...

阅读的精髓本质并非简单地对原文的中文翻译,而是看到句子与句子的结构、逻辑关系和联系、文章的主旨与细节 需要注意的是文章中主题和细节的重复的部分在脑海里形成同一个概念 ‘del...
Introduction to Counting 1) Counting (or combinatiorics) deals with strategies for coun...
来自于专门研究学习学的Michael Simmons的总结 共同的模式:相对于大堆人用一维的眼光去看待事物,他们确是用四维的眼光去审视的: 维度1: 专注于一个领域(专业化)...
Mean, Median, Mode 1) mean is the average: mean = sum of N entries/N 2) often, in quest...
The Coordinate Plane 1) terms: origin, x-axis, y-axis, x-coordinate, y-coordinate 2) ev...
Lines and Angles角度 1) lines & line segments 2) angles & degrees 3) 180 degree in a stra...
Intro to Exponents 1) Fundamentally, b^n means n factors of b multiplied together We re...
Intro to Word Problems Assigning Variables 1) do not use generic variables. Choose vari...
Intro to Algebra For our purposes, algebra is the part of math that involves variables ...
Elements of the Argument 1. Elements of the argument: premises/finding the conclusion P...
Intro to Sentence Equivalence 1. Identify type of sentence 2. Come up with own word 3. ...
Intro to Triple Blank Sentences 1. Read entire sentence 2. Try to create overall meanin...
要让自己远离下面提到的现象 1. 拒绝阅读,拒绝新事物: 多读书多思考才能有自己的判断能力不被别人牵着走 2. 过分关注以及揣摩他人评价 他人对我们的评价固然重要,它让我们对...
1. Recognizing the most common sentence ‘reversers’ - though, although, even(though), d...
Intro to Vocabulary 1. Denotative vs. Connotative 2. Definitions can be complex 3. Styl...
Intro to Text Completion 1. Read entire sentence 2. Find clue(s) - word(s) or phrase in...
*** Side note! *** It still makes logical sense for the snow goose to react with fear. ...
皮脂型毛孔: - 开放型:例如鼻头 脸颊 - 闭塞型:例如下巴 眼周围的闭口 * 形成原因: * 油脂分泌过剩 * 角质过厚 * 护理不当 * 措施: 1. ...
英文版的 office 上的中文字体是英文名的,我找 “黑体”,当时就懵了,它对应的是 “SimHei”.多亏这篇文章: 英文版mac上Office不显示中文字体 Mac 版...
可比较公司分析法 - Comparable Company Analysis - 市盈率 (P/E) 避免买入市盈率过高/过低股份 - 市盈增长率 (PEG) - 市账率 (...