#字词 1. He doesn't get beat up at school for this. adj. 年久失修的;残破的 v. 暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌 He...
#字 1. They're dropping me and Rodrick off at Grandpa's. 睡着 落下,掉下,脱落; 把…从车上卸下;(让…)下车,从(交...
#字 1. I am sure Mom knew something was fishy. 可疑的,靠不住的;鱼的,鱼腥味的 There’s something very f...
#字 1. But I just decided to wing it. n. 翅膀,飞机的机翼 v. 飞行 wing it即兴表演,不按剧本表演即席创作; 临时凑成;临时准...
#字 1. Mom asks me why I flunked my pop quiz in pre-algrbra today. (考试)不及格,通不过(考试),给…打不及...
#字 1. I can figure out a way to spill the beans without Rodrick finding out. 说漏嘴,泄密 He ...
1. Rodrick might have lucked out this time. 走好运;逢凶化吉;侥幸成功 I just lucked out on the exam...
字 1. I'll bet he's writing down all sort of juicy gossip in that thing. 小道消息,八卦 It prov...
#字 1. But what really happens is that you just find out which jobs to rule out. 排除,取消,划...
字 1. But I wish I just fessed up right away. 坦白,承认,坦率地承认 My teacher fessed up my socres...
字词 1. I've always heard that when Mr.Roy is done chewing a kid out. 斥责,责骂,严厉批评 I am so ...
字词 1. But a couple of us decided to have a little fun with him. 和某人开一个小玩笑,乐趣 We have a ...
字 1. They won't let me lay a finger on him. 触碰,动手,轻轻碰一下 She treasures her toy, and oth...
#字 1. He showed me all these blurry picture of birds and stuff. 模糊的;污脏的;不清楚的 She took a...
字 1. And them it got physical. 动手动脚,动粗 He just touched carelessly the drunkard who got ...
字 1. So if I ever get in a pinch. 必要时,在紧要关头,危机时(同义词: as necessary) In a pinch, our fami...
字词 1. My summer was pretty lousy. 非常糟糕feel bad,感觉不适,不擅长not very good at doing something...
字 1. Rowley is getting all the credit for a comic. n. 1.信任,信用;相信 2.赞扬,荣誉,信誉,声望 3.为…增光的人...
字 1. Me and Rowley have offically been ex-friends for about a month now. ex-前任 eg: I ca...