240 发简信
  • Book review

    With the dramatic plots and the happy ending, I eventually read over the book. The cour...

  • Chapter 18

    (一)Words and Phrases 1. Mess with: meddle or interfer with so as to spoil or cause trou...

  • Chapter 17 the world doesn't love you

    (一)Words and Phrases 1. Pull over:(of a vehicle or its driver) move to the side or off ...

  • W3 weekly notes

    (一)Reflection Makeover from surface can't change his fate for cheese boy. All the produ...

  • Chapter 16 the Cheese Boys

    (一)Words and Phrases 1. Buff: being in good physical shape with fine muscle tone. 健壮的 E...

  • Chapter 15 Go Hitler

    (一)Words and Phrases 1. Cut: a share of the profits from something. 分成 2. In bulk: 大量, ...

  • Chapter 14 The Dance

    (一)Words and Phrases 1. Surf: move from site to site on (the internet). 网上浏览 E.g. Surfi...

  • Chapter 13 colorblind

    (一)words and phrases 1. Thick as thieves: (of two or more people) very close or friendl...

  • W2 weekly notes

    (一) words and phrases Affliction: 痛苦 Puberty :青春期 Allergic: 过敏 Stake a claim: assert on...