2019年11月底到12月初翻译了世界经济贸易、中国服务贸易状况两篇文章,学习总结一些用法。 1. uncertainty 可数或不可数/ contribution (可/不...

2019年11月底到12月初翻译了世界经济贸易、中国服务贸易状况两篇文章,学习总结一些用法。 1. uncertainty 可数或不可数/ contribution (可/不...
场景:想要减肥本意是好的,但过度运动和节食可能会适得其反 造句:Losing weight is well-meaning ,but excessive workout an...
场景:我通常下班会回家,偶尔也会去健身房。 造句:I often go home after work, but occasionally work out at gym ....
场景:每年秋天大量临时工到新疆采摘棉花。 造句:Many seasonal workers travel to Xingjiang to pick cotton at aut...
场景:伴随就业压力和老龄人口增多,经济每况愈下。 造句:with growing aging populaiton and mounting employment press...
场景:司法考试的通过率不足以20% ,通过司法考试真的很难。 造句:Given the pass rate of less than 20 percent , bar exa...
场景:小说中的有些措辞放到今天仍然适用。 造句:Some words of the novel is as apt as in past . 用法:apt 贴切 what a...
场景:寒冷下午的一杯热饮让等待没有那么难熬。 造句:A hot drink in an chilly afternoon makes waiting more bearabl...
场景:说到春节,人们常常会想到春联、爆竹和年夜饭 造句:The Spring Festival has always been synonymous with couplet...
场景:尽管他官居高位,但一点架子都没有, 造句:Despite being a hign-ranking official , he remains approachable...
场景:这次您有急事处理,不能来我公司,我们可以理解,还是非常感谢您。 造句:It's understandable that you have something urgen...
场景:政府努力确保广大民众看得起病 造句:Chinese government is trying to ensure universal aceesss to afford...
场景:义务支教计划为农村孩子提供了亟需的帮助 造句:Voluntary teaching project will provide much-need assistance ...
场景:沉迷于网游的青少年数量不断增加,让人担忧 造句:video game obsession among children is alarmingly widespred ...
场景:人们应该充分了解一些急救知识。 造句:People should be fully educated about knowledge of first aid .
saw Windows smashed, cars ablaze and monuments defiled in Paris . the government was he...
场景: 重点大学的文凭是找好工作的敲门砖。 造句:For many students, a colledge degree in a key university is co...
场景:只是基于考试成绩选拔用人并不合理 造句:It is not rational enough to seclect employees on the grounds of...