![Avatar notebook default](https://cdn2.jianshu.io/assets/default_avatar/avatar-notebook-default-640f7dde88592bdf6417d8ce1902636e.png)
Introduction This plugin lets you create items that allow actor growth u...
Introduction When setting events to have a stepping animation, RPG Maker...
Introduction This plugin requires YEP_MainMenuManager. Make sure this pl...
Introduction Script Calls, whether they're for setting variables, condit...
Introduction For those using complex eventing systems utilizing Labels a...
IntroductionThe Input Number event in RPG Maker requires players to scro...
Introduction This plugin requires YEP_EnemyLevels. Make sure this plugin...
Introduction This plugin requires YEP_ShopMenuCore. Make sure this plugi...
Ever wanted to have shop prices for certain items fluctuate as your game...