The essence of trauma is the structural dissociation of the personality.
目标:We as human beings must engage in adaptive and thus integrative actions to function at our best. Raise mental level, improve mental and relational skills in this context, and overcome specific phobias that maintain structural dissociation and hamper adaptive functioning.
Structural dissociation is a particular organization in which different psychobiological subsystems of the personality are unduly rigid and closed to each other. These features lead to a lack of coherence and coordination within the survivor’s personality as a whole.
The mental and behavioral actions of survivors shift with the type of dissociative parts that exerts executive control.
impaired integrative capacity 受损的整合能力
develop a trauma-related disorder later in life when they become tested beyond their integrative limits
这个治疗方法的基础是:支持患者学会运用更有效的心理活动和行为活动。这样会使他们更有能力适应生活,从而处理他们的人格结构解离。这个原则表示,治疗的总体目标是提升整合能力(raising integrative capacity),或称作患者的心智水平(mental level),以便应对日常生活的要求(first in order to cope with the demands of daily life),然后再处理那些缠绕他们的过去残余及“未完结之事”(then to deal with the haunting remnants of the past),特别是创伤记忆。