2017-02-23 WSET 3 葡萄酒的门徒
3 葡萄园地管理
The viticulturalist applies their understanding of how the environment affects the vine’s growth. First a site needs to be selected and matched with a suitable grape variety. The most suitable trellising, training and pruning system needs be selected and installed before the vineyard is finally planted. Once the vines are established the viticulturalist must oversee the annual cycle of pruning, pest and diseasemanagement and harvest. Their decisions affect the quality and quantity of fruit that is successfully harvested each year.
When a producer wants to establish a new vineyard the potential site needs to be assessed for its environmental and practical suitability. Suitable grape varieties will need to be chosen.
Environmental conditions: The viticulturalist can use data to work out the potential site’s average temperature, rainfall and sunlight hours as well as the fertility of the soil and how well drained it is. These factors will influence the choice of grape variety as well as the ideal planting density, and systems of training and trellising.
Business considerations: How close a vineyard is to the utility infrastructure (power, water, etc.), a vineyard workforce and how easy it is to access with machinery, such as tractor and harvesters, are all important considerations in the financial viability of a site.
Grape variety: The grape variety must suit the climatic conditions of the preferred site. There must also be a demand for the grapes. In EU vineyard areas there may also be legal restrictions on the varieties that a producer can use.
Once a new vineyard site has been cleared of any existing vegetation, the soil’s drainage and fertility can be improved. The soil is then ploughed to a fine tilth to prepare for planting the vines.
Most viticulturalists purchase vines from a plant nursery, but some may purchase cuttings from a neighbour, and arrange for these to be grafted. The advantage of using nursery material is that clones with known characteristics can be purchased, and the plants can be certified to be free of virus infections. Many regions have strict quarantine processes, to prevent the spread of pests and diseases. This can limit the choice of varieties and clones that are available.
Vines are usually planted pre-grafted, although in exceptionally dry conditions, the rootstock may be planted first, to see if it can establish itself, before the scion is grafted in the vineyard. Once planted, the young vines are usually protected against weedsby covering the land around the vines with a suitable mulch, and against animals by sheathing the vines with individual plastic sleeves. They will usually be irrigated while they develop their root system. The first yield normally comes in the third year after planting.
Although they can be very long lived, most vines are replaced between the ages of 30 and 50. Some old vines produce fruit of exceptional quality, although the quantity of fruit decreases with age. Abalance has to be struck between quality and profitability. A vineyard owner will have a replanting cycle that ensures that as little of their vineyard as possible is out of production at any one time. Normally, vineyard land is left fallow for three years or more after the vines are dug up so that it can recover.
Left to nature, vines will produce crops of grapes that are ripe enough to be attractive to birds, but not ripe enough to be suitable for winemaking. They will also tend to put their resources into growing the plant, rather than ripening fruit. The viticulturalist needs to control the vigour of the vine to encourage larger quantities of riper fruit. The options for achieving this include selecting appropriate planting density, pruning and trellising. The viticulturalist then needs to control the potential quality and ripeness of these grapes. This can be achieved by training and canopy management.
A vine unstressed by disease and nutrient or water deficiency can grow vigorously and reach a substantial size, which is completely impractical for commercial viticulture. Therefore, for practicalpurposes, the size of vines needs to be controlled. Before discussing vine management strategies more broadly it is necessary to discuss the techniques that are used to manage a vine’s size and shape. In the following section it is important to distinguish the following terms:
Trellis –This consists of the permanent structure of stakes and wires that are present in a vineyard. This can vary from nothing to hugely complex multi-wire systems.
栽培架式 — 由葡萄园中永久固定的支柱和金属丝组成。栽培架式可以无架式,也可以极其复杂到使用多金属丝系统。
Training – The vine’s permanentwood and canes are trained to follow the trellising system that has been established. If there is no trellising system the vine shoots will grow unsupported.
整形 — 葡萄树的多年生枝条和长枝(结果母蔓)都需要根据已经建立的栽培架式进行整形。如果没有栽培架式,葡萄树的新枝生长会缺少支撑物。
Pruning – This is the removal of unwanted leaves, canes and permanent wood either in the winter or during the growing season.
修剪 — 指在冬季或是生长季内,去除掉葡萄不需要的叶片、长枝(结果母蔓)以及多年生枝条。
Winter and Summer Pruning
The main purpose of winter pruning is to determine the number and location of buds, which will form shoots for the production of fruit in the coming harvest. There are two types of winter pruning:
Replacement cane pruning: One, or more, canes are retained. The remaining canes will be trained horizontally onto the trellis. It is a system that cannot be easily mechanised and requires a large skilled workforce. This pruning system is often referred to as Guyot. One cane is retained in Single Guyot; two is double Guyot.
替换长枝(结果母蔓)的修剪:保留一枝或是更多的长枝(结果母蔓)。留下的长枝通过整形与栽培架式平行。这个过程不能简单地使用机械来操作,需要耗费大量的技术熟练的劳动力。这种修剪方式通常被称做Guyot居由式。如果只保留一根长枝就是单居由式(Single Guyot),保留两根就是双居由式(Double Guyot)。
Spur pruning:A larger number of two to three bud spurs are retained. These are either distributed along a permanent cordon of old wood, which is trained horizontally along the trellis, or around the head of a vine. Vines with a permanent cordon can be mechanically pruned, leading to a significant cost saving.Permanent wood is also less susceptible than canes to frost damage.
Summer pruning involves trimming the canopy to restrict vegetative growth and direct sugar production to the grape, rather than the growth of shoots and leaves. It can also involve leaf stripping so that bunches of grapes have optimum exposure to sunshine.
Training and Trellising
Pruning limits the size of the vine whereas training is designed to manage the direction of growth of the following season’s shoots. The positioning of these shoots is important because it affects the amount of sunlight that is intercepted by the leaves, and also the location and exposure of the fruit that grows at the base of each shoot.
Training and trellising systems can, broadly, be put into three groups:
Bush trained: The permanent wood consists of a vertical stump, which is pruned to retain a number of spurs distributed around the head of the vine. The shoots that grow from these spurs are often untrellised, and sprawl across the ground. This system is practical in hot, dry and sunny regions such as the Southern Rhône and the Barossa Valley. In cool or wet regions, the shade can impede grape ripening and the lack of airflow can limit evaporation and promote disease. This is avoided in Beaujolais where the shoots of bush trained vines are tied together at the tips, which helps expose bunches to air and sunlight.This system is not suitable for mechanical harvesting. This training system is sometimes referred to as gobelet.
Vertical shoot positioning (VSP):This is the most common training system worldwide, and may be used with replacement-cane or cordon-spur pruning. There is a single canopy consisting of shoots that are trained upwards, vertically from their cane or cordon and are tied in place onto the trellis. This canopy may extend both sides of the vine’s trunk, or may be limited to one side. From the trunk, the cane(s) or cordon(s) are trained horizontally, although canes may be bent onto a horizontal arch. The cane(s) or cordon(s) may be low trained, to benefit from heat retained by the earth, or high trained, to avoid frosts.The shoots are then trained vertically. By keeping the shoots apart this system keeps the canopy as well aerated and shade free as possible. VSP is most suitable for conditions where vines are planted to a high density.
新枝垂直分布形(Vertical shoot positioning,简称为VSP):这是全世界最通用的一种树形,还会与长枝(结果母蔓)的替换修剪或是主蔓 - 短枝修剪配合使用。它有一个单一树冠,该树冠由被整形成向上状态的新枝组成,这些新枝与它们着生的长枝或主蔓垂直,并被绑在栽培架势上。这个树冠可能会将葡萄树主干向两边延展,也可能只向一边延展。在主干上,长枝或是主蔓都以水平方向整形,尽管长枝有时候会被弯成水平拱形。结果母蔓和主蔓可以被压得很低,这样它们就能够获得地面残留的余热,也可以被抬得很高进而避免霜冻的伤害。之后,新枝就会被整形成垂直状态。通过保持各新枝间的分离状态,这种整形方式可以最大程度地保证树冠通气良好,并且尽可能的没有树荫。VSP在种植密度很高的情况下是最合适的整形方式。
Big vines: Where vines are planted to lower densities, systems have been developed to balance vine vigour and ensure best use is made of the available light. Some use a single vine canopy (like VSP), but split the canopy vertically, with some shoots trained downwards. Others have multiple canopies running parallel to each other and linked to the same trunk. These ‘big vine’systems can have complicated vine geometries and require a lot of permanent wood. Examples include Lyre and Geneva Double Curtain.These systems are usually spur pruned and many are suitable for mechanical harvesting. Pergola systems can be regarded as ‘big vines’, though they are designed to allow additional crops underneath the vines, rather than balancing vine vigour.
大葡萄树形:如果葡萄树的种植密度偏低,整形方式就要与葡萄树的树势之间有一个很好的平衡关系,从而保证能最高效率地利用光照。有些是只保留一个单树冠(比如VSP),但是将树冠上下分开,并且有一些新枝被压成向下生长的状态。另一些是多树冠形,各树冠之间呈平行状态,并且连在相同的主干上。这样的大葡萄树形有着非常复杂的几何结构,也需要许多的多年生枝条才能构成。例如七弦竖琴式(Lyre)和日内瓦双帘式(Geneva Double Curtain)。这些整形方式都通常使用短枝修剪,很多都适用于机械采收,尽管藤架系统(Pergola)的整形方式是为了在葡萄下面种植一些额外的作物,而不是来平衡葡萄的树势,但藤架系统也被归类到大葡萄树形。
Managing Vine Vigour
A vine’s vigour is measured by the number and size of shoots and leaves it grows in a season. The availability of nutrients, water, sunlight and heat will determine how vigorously the vine grows. Avine with access to high levels of these inputs will grow vigorously and develop an extensive leaf canopy at the expense of fruiting. From the standpoint of evolution this makes sense: the lack of stress means that there is no urgency to reproduce. If a vine experiences stresses through the limiting of inputs or through pruning, the risk of death appears to be greater and the need to reproduce becomes more urgent so the vine switches its emphasis to fruit production. The viticulturalist strikes the right balance by limiting inputs enough to restrict shoot growth and promote fruit production without damaging the health of the vine. In practical terms this is achieved by calculating the extent of the inputs and leaving enough buds on the vine after winter pruning so that the inputs are divided sufficiently thinly between the buds.
The classic European solution was to plant vines in sites low in nutrients but at high densities, typically 5000 to 10000 vines per hectare, and sometimes even higher. The competition between vines for nutrients and water, coupled with low/moderate levels of heat and sunlight limits vine vigour sufficiently that when relatively few buds are left on the vine after winter pruning, the shoots that grow from these buds are not excessively vigorous.
In sites where nutrients, sunlight and heat are in ample supply, high density planting is not sufficient to limit the resources available to each bud and keep the vegetative growth under control. Big vines were developed to cope with this situation. Vines are planted at low densities and are trained to have more permanent wood and buds so the resources are spread more thinly between each bud, and each shoot grows less vigorously. Vigour can be further restricted by using rootstocks that limit the uptake of nutrients and growing cover crops between the rows of vines to introduce extra competition for nutrients and water.The large vine size makes it easier to manage the canopy, ensuring there is less crowding and shading.This is because the shoots are spread over a wider area and not bunched up on a single cane or cordon.
There is much debate surrounding the best techniques to use in high input sites. Some producers reject the idea that low-density vineyards are consistent with high-quality grapes and opt for very high-density plantings in the hope that competition between vines will be enough to limit their vigour. However, properly managed big vines are an effective and increasingly popular vine management solution for high input vineyards.
At the other extreme, some vineyards have such low levels of water that vines planted at a high density could not meet their needs for survival. If the vines are not irrigated (as in much of central Spain), they must be planted at very low densities, sometimes below 1000 vines/hectare, but the vines remain small in size.