国家的政策历来都是酒类市场消费的指示牌,下面就是几个国家税率对酒类的影响。 日本:由于历史原因,啤酒税收一直都是政府财政主要来源,于是就...
This chapter explains in simple terms what sake is, and the ways in whi...
2017-02-23WSET 3葡萄酒的门徒 3葡萄园地管理 The viticulturalist applies their underst...
2016-12-29WSET 3葡萄酒的门徒 WATER What a vine needs The vine needs water for ...
2017-03-03WSET 3葡萄酒的门徒 2 生长环境 In order to survive, the vinemust be able ...
1 Grape Species, Varieties and Rootstocks-B1 2016-12-03WSET 3葡萄酒的门徒 葡萄种类...
1 Grape Species, Varieties and Rootstocks-A2 2016-12-04WSET 3葡萄酒的门徒 1 葡萄...