- 3XL990965F9694726
Jeffrey’s Lightroom Goodies (Plugins and Tools)
Export & Publish:
- Export to Zenfolio
- Export to SmugMug
- Export to Flickr
- Export to Google Drive
- Export to Facebook
- Export to ipernity
Export Plugins:
- Export to Google Photos
- Export to Tumblr
- Export to Twitter
- Export to Photobucket
- Export to ExposureManager
- Order Prints Locally
- Export to Expono
Other Publish Plugins:
- Collection Publisher
- Folder Publisher - 3EF145182J459522V
Export Add-Ons:
- Metadata Wrangler
- Creative Commons
- Run Any Command - 4F941731DW7886239
- Snapshot on Export
- Smart-Preview Support
- Crop for iPad and other Devices
Geoencoding Plugins:
- Geoencoding Support - 2NG875461S6595946
- Proximity Search
Utility Plugins:
- Data Explorer
- Smart Collection Sync
- People Support
- Folder Status
- PhotoSafe
- Bag-o-Goodies
- Timelapse Support
- Workflow Delete Options
- Metadata Viewer
- Bulk Develop Settings
- Metadata-Viewer Preset Builder
- Photoshop Layers
- JPEG Quality Tester
- Folder Watch
- Megapixel Sort
- Focal-length Sort
- Data Plot - 8JB56176X7401940V
- Extended Search
- Video-Asset Management
- Preview-Cache Image Extraction
- System Info
- iPhoto Collection Fixer]