"The trouble with this last kind of romance is that it only gets written in the first place because the author requires a framework in which to show off his love-poems.He goes about constructing this framework quite mechanically, beginning with the names of his pair of young lovers and invariably adding a third character, a servant or the like, to make mischief between them, like the chou in a comedy."
"what makes these romances even more detesttable is the stilted, bombastic language- inanities dressed in pompous rhetoric, remote alike from nature and common sense and teeming with grossest absurdities."
"Surely my "nubmers of females", whom I spent half a lifetime studying with my own eyes and ears, are preferable to this kind of stuff? I do not claim that they are better people than the ones who appear in books written before my time; I am only saying that the contemplation of their actions and motives may prove a more effective antidote to boredom and melancholy. And even the inelegant verses with which my story is interlarded could serve to entertain and amuse on those convivial occasions when rhymes and riddles are in demand."
"My only wish is that men in the world below my sometimes pick up this tale when they are recovering from sleep or drunkenness, or when they wish to escape from business worries or a fit of the dumps, and in doing so find not only mental refreshment but even perhaps, if they will heed its lesson and abandon their vain and frivolous pursuites, some small arrest in the deterioration of their vital forces. What does your reverence say to that?"
When you do something mechanically, you do it in a routine, automatic way, without much thought or feeling. If you have to get up unusually early in the morning, you might get dressed mechanically, still half-asleep.
People who are tired, stunned, or deeply upset will sometimes do things mechanically, working or performing tasks without emotion. When you act mechanically, you're machine-like. The adverb mechanically comes from the adjective mechanical, which since the 1600's has been used to describe people who "resemble machines." The Greek root is mekhane, "device."
People who pull pranks, make jokes, and do things that annoy other people — but aren't really awful — are good at mischief.
Mischief is a word for things that are a little bad or reckless but ultimately harmless. Hitting someone with a spitball is mischief. Hitting them with a rock is dangerous and therefore much worse than mischief. Making mischief can be fun, as long as it doesn't get out of hand. People who do a lot of mischief are called "mischievous."