09113 李梅芳
饷午已过,你家小宝贝还会打瞌睡吗?Ta 打瞌睡的时候也会像书中的小宝贝一样吗?Welcome to our Napping House ,一起来看看打瞌睡的房子里到底会发生什么事情吧!
《The Napping House》
There is a house,
a Napping housing,
Where everyone is sleeping .
And in that house
There is a bed,
a cozy bed
In a napping house,
Where everyone is sleeping.
To be continued...
在带Amy &Kitty 读这本英文版之前,已经在Ta们每天睡前故事的part 听了中文《打瞌睡的房子》,因为文字的节奏和旋律,和句型的重复…已然感受到了绘本里的幽默感和戏剧感, Till one day ....
在Lily老师首期课的分享中,Realized that 原来Ta的英文版是用来唱的Amazing isn’t it? 回来之后马上把Ta 收了,开始我和小妮子们的唱诵绘本学习…Believe it or not, 找了很久的feeling,都没有get 到唱功点,更interesting 的是,每每要来两句得让Amy 领唱(来,开个头)…, Finally we did it ,Hurray ! Since then , it became our “Good night book” and only by singing ... There is a house , a napping house , where everyone is sleeping ; and in that house ,there is a bed.....
Sweet dream ,My little bunny !