Planned city Stalinstadt: a manifesto of the early German Democratic Republic

Planned city Stalinstadt: a manifesto of the early German Democratic Republic


The debate on formalism and heritage


After World War II ‘national heritage’ was of great political importance in the Sovietoccupied zone/GDR. Already, by the 1920s, the Soviet Union itself was forced to proclaim ‘socialism in one country’ after the ‘world revolution’ had run out of steam, and to pursue a policy to pacify the multinational state. Stalin’s motto to ‘build up socialism in one country’ was applied to Soviet cultural policies in the early 1930s [28]. The internationalism of the socialist project was thus transformed into national colours. The national particularities within the Soviet Union were to find cultural–folkloristic expression, while at the same time recognizing the supremacy of the centre. An internationalism of a proletariat beyond nations was no longer given any realistic chance of attainment in the foreseeable future. A universal aesthetic language was, accordingly, also rejected as cosmopolitan. What was henceforth required had to be ‘socialist in content – national in form’.


With the beginning of the Cold War, the debate on modern art started anew within the Soviet Union’s sphere of control and, therefore, within the Soviet-occupied zone/GDR. In fact, the reference to ‘heritage’, involving reference to Schiller and Lessing, had been part of the traditions of both the German communist and social-democratic cultural policies of the working class movement since the times of Franz Mehring and Rosa Luxemburg. Iconoclasm was accordingly regarded as sectarian. Instead, the workers were to be introduced to (high) cultural traditions and the arts [29]. The GDR, which at this time (and up to 1952) had not declared itself a socialist state, also pursued ambitions of an alliance with this approach to cultural policy. The change affected the entire range of cultural policy and was propagated in a public controversy. Within the debate on ‘formalism and heritage’, the cultural–political positions of the GDR were defined and binding rules were established. It was thus not the debate about a socialist project, but the reference to national heritage that dominated the reconstruction rhetoric in the early GDR [30]. 

随着冷战的开始,关于现代艺术的辩论在苏联的控制范围内,因此在苏联占领区/民主德国内重新开始。事实上,自弗兰兹·梅林(Franz Mehring)和罗莎·卢森堡(Rosa Luxemburg)时代以来,对“遗产”的提及,包括对席勒(Schiller)和莱辛(Lessing)的提及,一直是德国工人阶级运动的共产主义和社会民主文化政策传统的一部分。因此,反偶像主义被视为宗派主义。取而代之的是,向工人们介绍(高级)文化传统和艺术[29]。当时(直到1952年)还没有宣布自己为社会主义国家的民主德国,也追求与这种文化政策方针结盟的野心。这一变化影响了整个文化政策,并在一场公开辩论中传播。在关于“形式主义和遗产”的辩论中,民主德国的文化政治立场得到了界定,并制定了具有约束力的规则。因此,在民主德国早期,主导重建论调的不是关于社会主义项目的辩论,而是对国家遗产的提及[30]。

Socialist/communist architects, who followed Neues Bauen and the Bauhaus philosophy lost all their influence in this period, whereas architects who, out of conviction or opportunism, were somehow able to employ the bourgeois heritage, gained in influence. Reclaiming ‘national heritage’, however, did not at all solve the question of form in urban design. The results show an eclecticism which covers a range between classical citations and the traditional Heimatstil.


Of course this orientation had a past history. It existed in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, where, after functional planning concepts such as Nikolai A. Miliutin’s linear town Sozgorod [31], a change was ushered in with the General Plan for Moscow. This important change reflected several developments. These included the dismissal of imminent ‘world revolution’ in favour of national consolidation; the orientation towards extension planning for the towns, especially for Moscow, rather than founding new industrial towns in the country; and the cultural formation within the circle of different nationalities in the Soviet Union at the expense of a cosmopolitan avant-garde. The German communists in their Moscow exile followed these turns, though not without their own sacrifices. Back in Germany, in power and dependent on the Soviet occupation army, they were willing to execute the new thinking. They were not willing to take into account those communist comrades who had survived the Nazi period in Western exile and who were now considered by the Muscovites as ‘still stuck in the debates of the 20s and 30s’.

当然,这个方向有过去的历史。它存在于20世纪30年代的苏联,在尼古拉·A·米利乌廷(Nikolai A.Miliutin)的线性城镇索兹戈罗德(Sozgorod)[31]等功能性规划概念之后,莫斯科的总体规划发生了变化。这一重要变化反映了几项发展。其中包括摒弃即将到来的“世界革命”,支持国家统一;城镇扩建规划的方向,尤其是莫斯科,而不是在该国建立新的工业城镇;以及苏联不同民族圈内的文化形成,以牺牲一个世界性的前卫者为代价。然而,这些德国流亡者并没有放弃他们自己的牺牲。回到德国,掌权并依赖苏联占领军,他们愿意执行新的思维。他们不愿考虑那些在西方流亡的纳粹时期幸存下来的共产主义同志,他们现在被莫斯科人视为“仍陷于20年代和30年代的辩论”。

The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development

The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development plead for a compact town to be built densely and in multistoreyed form, with high-rise buildings in the centre (of big cities). Economic、 aspects are emphasized and land prices transformed into political regulations. The centre is redefined: rather than trade, which has been an essential ‘town constituting factor’ in history, administration and culture now become significant. The recognizable signature of the historic city – or its image – is set against the anonymity and interchangeability of the functionalist town. The town centre is accentuated and the town held together as a compact structure, organized by a system of public spaces and hierarchies of use. Traffic is to be subordinated to the demands of public life. Cityscapes are to be given an individual face, characterized by squares, main streets and the dominant buildings in the town centre. Squares are defined as the structural basis of urban design. The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development are opposed to a dispersed city: ‘It is impossible to transform a town into a garden’. Elements of landscape, such as rivers, are part of the ‘individual face’ of a town; the riverbanks are emphasized as ‘main arteries’ and architectural axes.


The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development thus declare an emphasis on urbanity. They oppose functionalist town Utopias as well as those contemporary Western planning philosophies which favoured the ideal of a city-landscape. Instead of a decentralized, green town organized according to functional criteria and more orientated toward landscape than historical structures, the Principles emphasized the economic effectiveness and cultural quality of urban life and referred more to the historically developed urban structures.


For Bruno Flierl, the only critic of architecture the GDR allowed itself, the main difference to the Athens Charter is that The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development did not arise from a discussion among architects as an appeal to the governments. Rather it was the government which decreed a programme of urban development, calling on architects at last to build in a reasonable way. It was a counter-model in so far as the Principles reckoned on a different society [32]. ‘The aim of urban development is the harmonic satisfaction of the human demand for work, dwelling, culture, and recreation’ [33] – the demand to satisfy the vital needs of all has the (unspoken) socialist programme in mind.

布鲁诺·弗利尔(Bruno Flierl)是德意志民主共和国唯一一位对建筑持批评态度的人,他认为《雅典宪章》的主要区别在于,城市发展的十六项原则并不是由建筑师之间的讨论产生的,并不是为了向政府发出呼吁。相反,是政府颁布了一项城市发展计划,呼吁建筑师最终以合理的方式进行建设。这是一种反模式,因为原则适用于不同的社会城市发展的目标是和谐地满足人类对工作、居住、文化和娱乐的需求[33]——满足所有人的切身需求的需求考虑到了(不成文的)社会主义计划。

The big silence of The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development is in relation to urban society as a political and public sphere. The city is seen as the ultimate kind of social living but is not given its own municipal scope of action. The town is defined by the political centre; the only actor referred to is the national government. The cities are to look different, reflecting their respective local traditions, which play a role as variations of urban design. But in the end their centres always represent a fortunate action of the political centre – in the same way as political demonstrations in the town centre are assumed as part of the supralocal (national) politics or representation.


The authors of the Principles imagine the cities as free of conflict. To the same extent that society-wide planning becomes possible, they propose that the individual and society enter into harmonic co-existence. Astonishingly, the Principles’ attitude towards axes, monumentalism and masses ignores the fact that Nazi town planning looked similar in this respect. The authors clearly felt confident enough not to talk about fascism. They had another original to which they referred: Moscow.


The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development caused a break in the planning of Berlin, where Hans Scharoun and a planning group had, since 1946, been developing an extensive new planning following the tenets of the Athens Charter. In 1949 the plan (called the General Plan) was presented in the eastern sector of Berlin and was made the subject of a public debate [34]. By implementing the Principles the government of the GDR initiated a change in urban development policy shortly after the foundation of the state. With this act it repeated the change in Soviet urban development policy in the 1930s [35]. The cancellation of the 1933 Congr`es International d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM) about the ‘functional town’, which had initially been set to take place in Moscow and subsequently resulted in the Athens Charter [36], was symptomatic of that change. Soviet planning moved instead in a different direction and the General Plan of Moscow (1935) formed the planning model that remained binding until 1954. The essential characteristics are the ideal of a compact town, an easy-toread and representative townscape with emphasis on the city centre, a graded system of centres and the reference to the city as a place of progress.


Stalinstadt in the GDR is the only German city that was actually founded on this model; but parallel examples of new town planning exist in other countries of the Eastern Bloc, such as Nowa Huta in Poland or Dimitrovgrad in Bulgaria. The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development were taken from the General Plan for Moscow [37]. Besides the decreed introduction of these Principles [38], it is remarkable that a planning model which had its origin in quite different conditions was plainly taken over [39]. It was also from Soviet planning experiences that the concept of the residential complex was derived and incorporated into The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development. Fig. 4 shows typical patterns of residential complexes as they were planned and built in numerous Soviet cities during the 1930s, 1940s and early 1950s [40]. As can be seen, they show a clear resemblance to those of Stalinstadt.


Figure 4. Soviet residential complexes (source: K. Junghanns et al., op. cit. [40]).


On 14 November 1950 – only a few months after construction of the plant began – the location of the new town was determined [41]. Following a concept-search phase, a draft by Kurt W. Leucht became the basis of all other planning in 1951. The plans for the new plant and the new town were developed in central bureaux assigned to the relevant ministries. As well as giving a description of the town concept and its implementation, the contradictions within the central planning approach will also be shown. The latter included rivalries and struggles between the Ministry of Reconstruction and the Ministry of Industry during the early planning period; conflicts at the location itself, where trade unionists, local SED functionaries, labourers and inhabitants made claims on the developing town. Finally, the conflicting interests of plant and town are examined.



In addition to the implemented draft of Kurt W. Leucht, the draft plan for the new town worked out by Franz Ehrlich is worthy of consideration. Franz Ehrlich was not the only planner who developed a design for the town before Kurt W. Leucht. Following the plans of Ehrlich there were two rounds of internal invitations to tender to which several architects had been invited. Ehrlich’s plan will be described in more detail because it was the first and because it tells of the ‘old’ communist–cosmopolitan spirit ‘to plan life and the world’ – a spirit which was to vanish in the implemented plan by Leucht, which instead gave space to the revival of national traditions and customs.

除了库尔特·W·勒希特(Kurt W.Leucht)已实施的草案外,弗兰兹·埃利希(Franz Ehrlich)制定的新城规划草案也值得考虑。弗兰兹·埃利希(FranzEhrlich)并不是唯一一位在库尔特·W·勒希特(KurtW.Leucht)之前为该镇设计的规划师。按照埃利希的计划,有两轮内部招标,邀请了几位建筑师参加。埃利希的计划将被更详细地描述,因为它是第一个,而且因为它讲述了“古老的”共产主义-世界主义精神“规划生活和世界”——这种精神将在勒希特实施的计划中消失,而这反而为民族传统和习俗的复兴提供了空间。

Behind the plans by Ehrlich and Leucht lay the competing planning concepts of the Ministries of Industry and Reconstruction [42]. The Ministry of Industry favoured the idea of an integrated plan of works and town; and in the opinion of Fritz Selbmann, the minister responsible for the new works, the Bauhaus follower Ehrlich could best represent this concept. By contrast Leucht was patronized by Lothar Bolz, the Minister of Reconstruction.


As the head of the urban development department in the Ministry of Reconstruction, Leucht presented the plan by which this ministry achieved its concept, an interpretation of The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development according to the guidelines set by the so-called ‘debate on formalism and heritage’. One could say that it was the tensions between ‘socialist reconstruction’ and ‘national reconstruction’ that were reflected in the planning competition between the two ministries. The horizon of an industrial concept is characterized by efficiency, modernization and a socialist perspective of development. In contrast, the ‘national tradition’ produces a self-image in which traces of memory are inscribed onto an otherwise neutral planning approach. As Leucht later recalled, ‘the third residential complex even has half-timbering’ [43].


In the course of these early conflicts, the planning of works and town was separated. The town planning ended at the works’ gate. In Leucht’s plan, the works are symbolically integrated with a large gate, but at the same time it points out that the town stops there.


The first draft

Of the first draft plan, a Ministry of Reconstruction memorandum baldly noted in March 1952: ‘In October 1950, the architect Ehrlich was commissioned to plan the residential town. The plan was worthless and did not agree with the 16 Principles of Urban Development’ [44]. Franz Ehrlich had been a Bauhaus student and was one of the exponents of this tradition in the GDR [45]. Although he had accomplished some important projects, he finally remained, as Bruno Flierl says, without influence and died almost forgotten (in the 1980s) [46].

1952年3月,重建部的一份备忘录在第一份计划草案中直言不讳地指出:“1950年10月,建筑师埃利希受命规划住宅区。该计划毫无价值,不符合城市发展的16项原则[44]。弗兰兹·埃利希(Franz Ehrlich)曾是包豪斯(Bauhaus)的学生,也是民主德国(GDR)这一传统的倡导者之一【45】。尽管他完成了一些重要的项目,但正如布鲁诺·弗利尔所说,他最终仍然没有影响力,几乎被遗忘(在20世纪80年代)[46]。

The first plan (Fig. 5, October 1950) relates to a site north of the works, which initially appeared as an attractive location but was then rejected. The sketched town is placed oblique to the works. It lies close to a lake, surrounded by green, and further north there is another lake. A small tributary runs to the lake between the works and the town. The regional traffic is led around the town to the south and west. The sketch is minimalist so that the first impression is of something abstractly constructed. There are clear arrangements, a defined extent of the town; with its elongated shape relating to the landscape. Arranged in a rectangular and parallel arrangement, multiple staggered rows form a serial pattern. This pattern produces open and partly closed spaces and reproduces itself in regular irregularities or in variants. Here and there quarter-centres can be imagined, but the sketch does not give any very clear visual impression of the town. In contrast, the town in the subsequent concept by Leucht is a Gesamtkunstwerk. Ehrlich developed an open concept of urban space, whereas in Leucht’s self-contained design only the town wall seems missing (Fig. 6). In further sketches Ehrlich worked out proposals for the then chosen location. Leucht’s first drafts incorporated the main features of these sketches [47].


Ehrlich’s method of sketching a town without picturing its sensual and physical character still seems to contradict the spirit of The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development. ‘The central question of town planning and architectural design is the creation of an individual, unique face of the town’, the Principles state. In contrast, Ehrlich’s sketches appear as an abbreviation. The denial of a ‘realistic’ picture that allows immediate recognition of the town as a town, may already have isolated him merely for aesthetic reasons.


For the planning of the new town, Ehrlich also developed a model ‘structural plan’ [48]. This plan was based on a supply model which, by incorporating public and cultural services, covered a comparatively wide range. In addition to the demand for flats, all municipal, cultural, supply and other infrastructure, including their respective demands for space and staff, were determined, as well as the costs for construction, equipping and furnishing [49]. The reference frame for this planning was an overall economic calculation. The structural plan had been developed as a universal planning model for the GDR: Ehrlich drafted the new town as a prototype for the new state.


Franz Ehrlich thus started from a scientific conception of urban planning based on a variety of socio-economic parameters. His less illustrative but abstract plan drawings correspond with this conception. The idea of a ‘national form’ is, on the contrary, an idea of conciliation, born out of the difficulty of establishing a socialism that was compatible with popular sentiments. The formula ‘socialist in content, national in form’ means essentially that the innovation, the new (socialist) content, is adjusted to the old habits: in the concrete shape of the town, the population is able to recognize its ‘humanist’ German traditions. Pursuing this formula to its extreme, the assertion can be made that Ehrlich developed a socialist planning concept of the new town as the ‘content’, whereas Leucht contributed the sensual-conservative image as the ‘form’.


Kurt W. Leucht belonged to the group of architects who had gone on the study trip to Moscow that resulted in The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development [50]. Presumably, this trip also inspired him as an urban designer. Leucht’s statements about himself and his planning indicate that his ideas on town planning were less theoretical than associative and pictorial [51]. He finally synthesized the various debates on the Principles and the new town [52] into a unified whole concept, on which the authorities could agree. The draft worked out by Leucht promised a historically moderated modernism. During the planning process, the status of the model city was enhanced to become a prestige project of the new state. Thus the new town was not to be built as the prototype of the initial development of heavy industry burdened with sweat and tears. Rather it was to serve as the model for a better future. Nevertheless, the functionalist principle and system of Ehrlich’s plan can still be recognized in the city, in its clearly functional structure. 

Kurt W.Leucht属于一组建筑师,他们前往莫斯科进行了一次考察,得出了《城市发展十六项原则》[50]。想必,这次旅行也启发了他成为一名城市设计师。Leucht对自己和他的规划的描述表明,他对城市规划的想法不如联想式和图画式的那么理论化[51]。他最终将关于原则和新城[52]的各种辩论综合成一个统一的整体概念,当局可以同意。勒希特起草的草案承诺了一种历史上温和的现代主义。在规划过程中,模范城市的地位得到了提升,成为新州的一个声望项目。因此,新市镇的建设并不是重工业最初发展的雏形,而是汗流浃背。相反,它是为了成为更美好未来的典范。尽管如此,埃利希规划的功能主义原则和体系仍然可以在城市中得到认可,在其明确的功能结构中。

Leucht’s design

‘With this design and the chance to build a new town, I wanted to set a counterpoint to the dominant urban design concepts in Germany and Europe: away from industrial settlements, away from dissolution of urban space’ [53]. The design developed by Kurt W. Leucht (Fig. 6) became the basis of all further town planning of Stalinstadt in August 1951. The terrain for the new town was happily chosen. It is situated on a terrace of fluvial valley sands. To the north, it borders on the plant, to the south-west, a chain of hills, to the east, the lowlands of the river Oder and a branch of the Oder-Spree Canal. Beyond the canal, lies the town of Fu¨ rstenberg an der Oder and, to the west, a village.

“有了这个设计,有机会建设一座新城,我想与德国和欧洲占主导地位的城市设计理念形成对比:远离工业区,远离城市空间的解体”[53]。1951年8月,库尔特·W·勒希特(Kurt W.Leucht,图6)开发的设计成为斯大林施塔特所有进一步城市规划的基础。新城镇的地形选择得很好。它位于河流河谷的一个阶地上。北面与工厂接壤,西南面是一连串的小山,东面是奥德河的低地和奥德斯普里运河的一条支流。运河那边是弗斯滕贝格镇,西边是一个村庄。

The draft shows the layout of a town designed for 30 000 inhabitants, relating programmatically both to the plant and the landscape. The entrance to the plant, monumentally staged, is the culminating point, upon which the town’s radial and concentric streets centre. The system of pedestrian walkways, opening up the inner spaces of the residential blocks, is designed with reference to the landscape. Its main axes are four large green spaces, laid out as pedestrian avenues, leading through the residential areas of the town, consisting of spacious open blocks with large inner courts. Structurally orientated towards the plant’s gate, the town defines itself in its relation to the works. The landscape of the wider setting provides a contrary accent. The hills (Diehloer Berge) to the south-west serve as a backdrop and recreational area. The town centre is formed by a large square lined by the major public buildings, among them, as the largest building, the House of Culture and the City Hall, which faces the plant’s gate at the other end of the Magistrale. Within the ideal city-like overall concept the town centre is semantically charged by the correspondence between the City Hall and the plant gate. According to Thomas Topfstedt the ground plan is formed following the radial development systems of Baroque town concepts, except that the Iron and Steel Combine with its colossal entrance building, rather than a castle, forms the point de vue [54]. From the city centre the view is directed towards the large gate (towards the sovereign/the plant). In the reverse direction from the plant gate the fan-shaped town arrangement and the landscape reveal as an overall view.









根据托马斯·托普斯泰德(Thomas Topfstedt)的说法,平面图是按照巴洛克城镇概念的辐射式发展系统形成的,除了钢铁与巨大的入口建筑相结合,而不是城堡,形成了维角[54]。


The town design shuts itself off from the two adjacent settlements. The new town is connected to them via a major road in the north but there is no indication of the town of Fu¨ rstenberg which is 2–3 km east. The cross-axis of the town ends in front of the stadium at the eastern town edge. Leisure time facilities are placed in the green area on the eastern outskirts. The north-western edge of the design runs up to the village of Scho¨nfließ but embodies a rough town boundary. Overall therefore, the concept of the town rejects the place-bound traditions of its setting. It has been built into the landscape as a new, freestanding settlement, the outcome of a socio-political intention to depict a concept for the future.


The buildings planned by Leucht are mainly four-storeyed, with some of three-storeys. The town consists of four ‘residential complexes’ (each for 6000 inhabitants). These are defined by the Principles as the smallest urban planning units, held together by a garden laid out for several blocks, schools, kindergartens, day-care centres for infants, and other establishments serving the daily needs of the residents. The town’s central locations are well accessible from the different residential quarters; and there are relatively protected semi-public and community-neighbourhood spaces. The distance between workplace and residence is reduced to a minimum.


Viewed overall, the uniqueness of Leucht’s design results from the attempt to construct an ideal congruence between traditional urban features and the new characteristics of a socialist industrial town. The resultant town, incorporating functional requirements of an industrial foundation on the one hand, and the claim to represent a cultural heritage on the other, suggests that socialism has to be visualized by familiar and traditional aesthetics. With the big plant gate industry is emphasized as a secular cathedral, the plant and the town, work and life reconciled in the ideal.


The model city

The first residential buildings were constructed in 1951 to satisfy immediate needs before Leucht’s plan was drawn up. These dwellings were simple model houses as they were then developed by central architectural bureaux: serial, unpretentious, economic, modest. Over the following period, the status of the new town was gradually enhanced to represent finally a central political model planning. In 1952 it was proclaimed the ‘first socialist city’.


The structural features of an ideal city can readily be recognized in the master plan of 1952 (Fig. 7). The town is equipped almost like a self-sufficient entity, with baking, butchering, vegetable and fruit cultivation. There are various cultural establishments, leisure and recreation. The planned town thus appears to be a relatively closed ideal system of production and reproduction, while its extensive green areas make it also a leisure and recreation zone for the plant [55].


As part of the ideological upgrading of the town, the architectural design of the first and second residential complexes became more opulent. Considering the standards of that time, the flats were modern and spacious. As ‘workers’ palaces’ with large, imposing gateways, the buildings represent a modest version of Berlin’s Stalinallee, with its kind of Prusso-Russian, classicist style (Figs 8 and 9). The inner courts of the large residential blocks are grouped around park-like pedestrian avenues. Along these avenues are public facilities such as nurseries, day-care centres and playgrounds. At accentuated points, the blocks feature shopping parades. Schools and kindergartens are emphasized as public buildings. Small centres are created expressing collective life as socialist achievement. In their architecture the large blocks show an aesthetic ‘surplus’. Though functionally designed as neighbourhoods and with regard to communal amenities, they also represent the optimism and ornament of socialist superiority. The serial mass housing is incorporated in an urban design which features the overall context. The broad outline of urban ensembles and the spaciously planned connected green zones are a showpiece of the new property relations and planning conditions under socialism. Architecture, town and green space planning express a universal planning rationality which, at the same time, provides economic necessities with historicist garb.


Socialism was not, however, expected to herald any rapid collectivization of society within the residential complex. The core family remained the essential unit of planning. Certain reproduction facilities were centralized in Stalinstadt/Eisenhu¨ ttenstadt according to the level of rationalization achieved at the time. Baking, cooking, washing and upbringing were socialized, whereas the core family and, despite attempts, the allotment garden were not.


The status enhancement of the new town into a model for the new socialist state, however, also brought different conflicts and difficulties. The demands of the government and SED leadership concerning the urban design of the new town conflicted with the construction programme for heavy industry, as well as with the general social requirements of reconstruction in the GDR.


The citizens

The various disruptions and problems of the post-war situation marked the beginnings of the new worker’s town. The town was formed by a disparate population of refugees, farm workers, women and youths, seeking employment at the construction sites and in the new plant. They were people who had not necessarily come to stay but finally settled down. Little by little the founding population moved from camps to the town’s newly constructed flats. Due to the sluggish start to the construction of the city, the plant had to take over basic supplies and services for the employees in order to build up a work force. It organized recreational and cultural activities and erected an infrastructure for this purpose on its own site. It was thus within the works’ environment that the foundations of the town’s society were actually laid.


Whereas the town was planned by central bureaux in Berlin, objections were formulated on the spot [56]. The first of these appeared in the house organ of the works, Unser Friedenswerk (our peace work). They were directed against the first, rather utilitarian, residential buildings. To their future inhabitants they seemed like boxes. When the SED secretary-general, Walter Ulbricht, visited the town, he took over the leadership of the protest, calling for higher rooms (three metres between the floors), at least four storeys, and diversified, lively façades. In February 1952 the government decided: ‘All plans are to be discussed in detail and publicly with the workers of the Iron and Steel Combine East. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Reconstruction, Dr. Bolz, bears the responsibility for the measures to be taken’ [57]. In fact, at this time a discussion got underway. Meetings for the metal and construction workers and the inhabitants were organized, the planners and the Minister of Reconstruction came from Berlin to take part. Subsequently, the ground plans and the sizes of the flats were altered according to the demands of the population, headed by Walter Ulbricht. In July 1952, the Second Party Conference of the Socialist Unity Party decided to ‘build up socialism’ and announced that the town of the Iron and Steel Combine East was to be the first construction of a socialist city. In the late summer of 1952, Leucht was installed as Manager in General.

尽管该镇是由柏林的中央局规划的,但反对意见是当场提出的[56]。其中第一个出现在众议院的工作机构,Unser Friedenswerk(我们的和平工作)。他们针对的是第一批相当实用的住宅建筑。对他们未来的居民来说,它们就像盒子。当SED秘书长沃尔特·乌尔布里希特(Walter Ulbricht)访问该镇时,他接管了抗议活动的领导权,要求提供更高的房间(楼层之间三米),至少四层楼,以及多样化、生动的立面。1952年2月,政府决定:“所有计划都将与东钢铁联合公司的工人进行详细的公开讨论。副总理兼重建部长Bolz博士对将要采取的措施负责。事实上,此时正在进行讨论。为金属和建筑工人以及居民组织了会议,规划者和重建部长从柏林赶来参加。随后,根据沃尔特·乌尔布里希特领导的人口需求,改变了平面图和公寓的大小。1952年7月,社会主义统一党第二次党代会决定“建设社会主义”,并宣布钢铁联合东城将是第一个建设社会主义城市的城市。1952年夏末,Leucht被任命为总经理。

None the less the work did not make progress. At a turbulent meeting in October 1952, the representatives of the Ministry of Reconstruction were taken to task. Out of 905 flats that were to be constructed in 1952, at the most 360 would be ready on time. There were hardly any shops and no social infrastructure, along with other similar problems. According to a report in the SED district newspaper, Neuer Tag (New Day), the central committee of the metal workers union demanded that all construction sections planned for 1952 should be completed in 1952. At least once a month a compulsory public meeting should be held, the union demanded, where accounts were to be given and where suggestions and advice from the population would be brought up for discussion; in order to improve the co-ordination of planning and construction, a project team should be formed to work on the spot, in the plant.

尽管如此,这项工作还是没有取得进展。1952年10月,在一次动荡的会议上,重建部的代表被责成。在1952年建造的905套公寓中,最多360套将按时完工。那里几乎没有商店,没有社会基础设施,还有其他类似的问题。根据SED地区报纸Neuer Tag(New Day)的报道,金属工人工会中央委员会要求计划于1952年完工的所有施工路段应于1952年完工。工会要求,至少每月举行一次强制性的公开会议,在会上说明情况,并提出民众的建议和建议供讨论;为了改善规划和施工的协调,应组建一个项目团队,在工厂现场工作。

The EKO-employees did not leave it at complaints. They supported their pressure for a swift erection of the town by giving their labour to this end. In early November, the Neuer Tag reported that they were voluntarily going to work 20 000 hours on the construction site. On the other hand, the paper also reproached the Ministry of Reconstruction for omissions: again and again, workers and machines were lacking and production conferences were delayed by the representatives of the state.

EKO员工没有留下投诉。他们为此付出了劳动,以支持他们要求迅速建立该镇的压力。11月初,Neuer Tag报告称,他们自愿在施工现场工作20000小时。另一方面,该报还指责重建部的疏漏:工人和机器一次又一次地短缺,生产会议被国家代表推迟。

In February 1953 the town was officially founded and a town council appointed. The era of the Manager in General was over. In the course of that year, Stalinstadt put through its demand to subordinate the construction management to the town, and from then on all planning decisions had to be co-ordinated and agreed upon by the government and the town. Yet it is important not to exaggerate the extent of the decentralization of decision-making. The new municipality itself was constructed as a part of the centralist system so that the municipal bodies also simplified and accelerated the planning process for the central authorities. Participation of the inhabitants was now canalized into institutional forms (as house communities or permanent commissions).


In the debates accompanying the planning process, claims were advanced concerning the size of flats, their ground plans, the surroundings, urban facilities and amenities. The people of Stalinstadt certainly did influence and modify the planning process, but their success was only possible because SED, trade union, district functionaries and, later on, also municipal functionaries, supported their claims and presented them to the deciding authorities. In this way the government/SED leadership were able to demonstrate and promote a sense of unity with the population in socialism. The results may be claimed as successful. To the present day Stalinstadt/Eisenhu¨ ttenstadt has been popular with its inhabitants. Against all expectations, Bruno Flierl reports, Eisenhu¨ ttenstadt developed happily and the inhabitants identified themselves with their city [58].

在规划过程中的辩论中,有人提出了有关公寓面积、平面图、周边环境、城市设施和便利设施的主张。斯大林斯塔特的人民确实影响并修改了规划过程,但他们的成功只是因为SED、工会、地区官员,以及后来的市政官员支持他们的主张,并将其提交给决策当局。通过这种方式,政府/SED领导层能够展示并促进社会主义中与民众的团结意识。结果可以说是成功的。时至今日,斯大林斯塔德/艾森豪斯大林斯塔德一直深受其居民的欢迎。布鲁诺·弗利尔(Bruno Flierl)报道称,出乎意料的是,艾森豪特斯坦德发展得很快乐,居民们认同自己的城市[58]。

Khrushchev’s changes


Stalinstadt represented the industrial as well as the aesthetic urban design project of the early GDR for a short time only. After Stalin’s death and the rebellion of 17 June 1953 the programme to build up heavy industry was slowed down considerably. The prospective iron and steel combine, EKO, remained an iron works for the time being [59]. In 1954, the new Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, proclaimed the industrialization of construction. Khrushchev’s modernization was to prove the big break with the concept of planning oriented towards traditions. The turn was made in the context of the ‘new course’ after Stalin’s death, envisaging an economic and socio-political reorientation in favour of mass needs. For urban planning it meant a shift of emphasis, giving the mass production of housing priority over prestige projects.


The GDR first adhered to the idea of ‘national architecture’ and tried to master the modernization with the old aesthetic gestures and rhetoric. In Stalinstadt, the third residential\ complex was built with reference to a Heimatstil, which allowed certain rationalizations of construction and adjusted itself ‘organically’ to the existing urban concept. For the fourth (and last) residential complex of the original plan, a partially rationalized construction method was chosen. Here, for the first time, the buildings were arranged in open, detached rows, which – because of the less clearly defined urban spaces – produce, however, an impression of narrowness. At the Magistrale, three point-like (nine-storeyed) buildings were erected around 1960, as well as a department store and a hotel located at the junction with the Central Square. With their ‘hovering’ roofs of white and blue, they present a modern image. In between there are pavilions with shops, among them a vitreous car shop with a sweeping roof of pre-stressed concrete. Viewed overall, the Magistrale with its modern buildings, similar to those built in the West at the same time, sets a counterpoint, vivid in contrast to the residential quarters, which has enriched the features of the town.


More generally, the intention of the Reconstruction Act to plan urban growth could not be achieved in the way Kurt W. Leucht’s design for an ideal city had figuratively indicated. The plant was expanded in the 1960s and the town had to keep up with the growing demand for workers by providing additional housing. Already by 1953, the master plan (Fig. 10) had been revised: the self-contained concept was opened and the east–west axis of the town was developed as a connection with Fu¨ rstenberg. Immediately south-east of the town, the first extension area (the fifth residential complex) was built in the early 1960s. It was planned with buildings arranged in rows and lines according to a concept that was inspired – as Herbert H¨ artel, then architect of the city, has reported [60] – by the West German model of a ‘car-suitable town’. Subsequent development, since the incorporation of Fu¨ rstenberg in 1961 and the town’s renaming as Eisenhu¨ ttenstadt, marked a more radical break with the original town concept and the orientation towards the style of the then common mass housing. By the end of the 1980s, a sixth and seventh residential complex had been completed, closing the gap to Fu¨ rstenberg. These later town quarters had a noticeably poorer quality infrastructure than the earlier ones.

更普遍地说,《重建法案》旨在规划城市增长的意图无法像库尔特·W·勒希特的理想城市设计所象征的那样实现。该工厂于20世纪60年代扩建,该镇必须通过提供额外住房来满足日益增长的工人需求。到1953年,总体规划(图10)已经进行了修订:独立的概念被打开,城镇的东西轴线被开发为与弗斯滕贝格的连接线。第一个扩建区(第五个住宅综合体)建于20世纪60年代初,紧邻该镇东南部。它是按照一个概念规划的,按照一排排的建筑排列,这个概念是受到西德“适合汽车的城镇”模式的启发的——当时的城市建筑师赫伯特·赫特尔(Herbert H¨artel)曾报道过[60]。自1961年福斯滕贝格(Fu¨rstenberg)成立和该镇更名为艾森豪登斯塔特(Eisenhu¨ttenstadt)以来,该镇的后续发展标志着与最初的城镇概念和当时普通大众住房的风格有了更彻底的突破。到20世纪80年代末,第六和第七栋住宅楼已经完工,缩小了与弗斯滕贝格的差距。这些后来的城镇居民区的基础设施质量明显低于早期的居民区。

None of the central spaces and buildings that were part of Leucht’s plan were built. Early on, a theatre/cinema was built in the style of a Greek temple at the Magistrale. The Friedrich- Wolf-Theater (Fig. 11) and a large restaurant with a pub, the Aktivist, were the first meeting and public amusement locales. A somewhat hidden centre developed later on to the rear of the theatre, a market place framed by shops opposite which craftsmen’s co-operative was situated.


The planned axis of works’ gate ‘cathedral’ and the city hall tower never came into being. From the Magistrale, one gets a striking view of the blast furnaces (Fig. 12). Between the works and the town, there is a broad four-lane thoroughfare. Yet the Central Square in Eisenhu¨ ttenstadt remains empty and is today used as a car park.


Works and town

One idiosyncrasy of Eisenhu¨ ttenstadt’s development results from its early history when the works already existed, but the construction of the town was proceeding only slowly. Different facilities that were more communal in character were set up on the works’ premises: shops, pubs, libraries, schools and, above all, a large trade union House of Culture and also BGS Stahl [61], the sports club. Later on, when the town existed, the works nevertheless continued to elaborate social and cultural facilities on its own grounds. As Stalinstadt lost its significance as a model town so its financial resources also became more moderate. Yet the works in the GDR always had large cultural and social funds. The EKO used them to construct a city of its own within the works, instead of placing these amenities where they would have been needed, in the town [62].

艾森豪特坦斯塔特发展的一个特点来自其早期历史,当时作品已经存在,但该镇的建设进展缓慢。在作品的场地上设置了不同的公共设施:商店、酒吧、图书馆、学校,尤其是一个大型的工会文化之家,以及BGS Stahl(61),体育俱乐部。后来,当该镇存在时,工程仍在继续在其自己的场地上精心设计社会和文化设施。随着斯大林达特失去了作为模范城镇的重要性,其财政资源也变得更加温和。然而,民主德国的作品总是有大量的文化和社会资金。EKO利用这些设施在工程范围内建造了一座自己的城市,而不是将这些设施放置在城镇需要的地方【62】。

The community was thus the weaker partner compared to the EKO, an enterprise led by the government. The difference in their respective power was obvious and it is in this rivalry that H¨artel sees the reason why the Central Square remained an empty space. In the 1960s he pursued a concept that should have made the city centre the common central point of an administrative and cultural centre of both plant and town [63]. It may be assumed that such a centre would have symbolized a local autonomy which did not exist in reality. Yet, according to H¨ artel’s report, it should have been possible [64]. However, the works’ management and the trade union leadership were interested only in using the funds for their own purposes on their own premises. It was a kind of ‘enterprise egoism’, always demonstrating that they were able to do everything conceivable in favour of the labourers.


Close examination of the master plan of 1953 reveals that, instead of the City Hall, the large ‘House of Culture’ had been placed in the centre of the main axis. From then on culture was to symbolize the ideal connection between works and town. Even before the town was barely founded, the City Hall vanished from the central axis. Instead of a City Hall there was a ‘House of the party and municipal administration’ (Fig. 13). By fusing party and administration, the public political space and municipal representation were abandoned. The Polis disappeared from the plans. Party, administration and culture had taken its place.


‘The aim of urban development’, as stated in The Sixteen Principles of Urban Development, ‘is the harmonic satisfaction of the human demand for work, dwelling, culture, and recreation’. Harmony was to be the task and general sense of urban development. However, according to the position of the GDR in the early years, such urban harmony could actually be pursued only after social order itself had become harmonized as socialist. Only after overcoming class struggles and after the nationalization of property could a new socialist ‘community of man’ be developed, giving way to a development of towns where the formerly opposing spheres of life, work, dwelling, culture and recreation, could then join in harmony. Stalinstadt was meant as a paradigm of both a new social order and a new social town.


Culture and work were therefore to be symbolically connected by the town’s central axis just as the burdens of daily work were to be set against the opportunities for cultural expression. Even more, though, the sphere of work was itself to be embedded in the cultural project and to become a cultural activity. In practice, this meant that in the EKO (as well as other enterprises in the GDR) the efficiency competitions between the work brigades, were echoed in the writing, painting and dance competitions and, conversely, the artistic creations themselves celebrated labour. The signs of the endeavour for harmony come forth in Eisenhu¨ ttenstadt, both in the big picture and in detail. It can thus be seen in the symmetrical layout of the whole and in the ornamentation of the façades, or in the well-proportioned endowment of educational, shopping and recreational facilities and the murals and sculptures which embellish the public space. Here can be found central amenities such as the Friedrich-Wolf-Theater, the open-air stage, the Aktivist, and the different sports grounds. As all this together was a testimony to unity and harmony, the social organizations functioned on their behalf, at the head the Socialist Unity Party and the National Front, uniting all workers and the friendly classes in one effort to build up socialism.


This overriding concept of harmony thus depicted socialism as a Gesamtkunstwerk, conjuring away any persisting social and political contradictions. Above all it was an approach that was suspicious of experiment. Its metaphors paid tribute to a (new) classicism, stability and conservation of tradition. The status of historical monument awarded to Eisenhu¨ ttenstadt in the 1980s seems, therefore, to have been inscribed in it from the very beginning.


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